

In the midst of life we are in death




ルーカスのエッセイ「ある葬式」の主人公がクレイグ先生であることは、岩波書店の「図書」1985年7月号に掲載された棚橋克哉氏の「クレイグ先生と二人の弟子 ー 漱石とルーカス」によって、初めて明らかになったようだ。

                       THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER
                      "At The Burial of the Dead."
                          In the midst of life we are in death:
                       of whom may we seek for succour, but
                       of thee, O Lord, who for our sins art
                       justly displeased?

日本聖公會祈禱書 2版

     A football match was in progress in a
                field adjoining the churchyard, and I
                wondered, as I stood by the grave, if were
                 I the schoolmaster, I would stop the game
                 just for the few minutes during which a
                 body was committed to the earth; and I
                 decided that I would not. In the midst of 
                 death we are in life, just as in the midst of                             life we are in death;
it is all as it should be in                           this bizarre jostling world. - Lucas, "A Funeral"   


        In the midst of life we are in death:
                       of whom may we seek for succour, but
                       of thee, O Lord, who for our sins art
                       justly displeased?


 In the midst of life, we are in death; from whom can we seek help, except from you, O Lord, who are justly angered by our sins?    


This excerpt comes from the Book of Common Prayer, specifically the Burial Service. It's a powerful passage that reflects on human mortality.


Let's break it down: 詳述すると

  • "In the midst of life we are in death": This line reminds us that death is ever-present, even in the midst of our busy lives. It's a sobering thought, but it can also encourage us to appreciate life more.


"of whom may we seek for succour, but of thee, O Lord": Here, the passage acknowledges our helplessness in the face of death. It asks, "Who can we turn to for help, except for you, Lord?" This reflects a dependence on a higher power for comfort and strength during times of loss.


"who for our sins art justly displeased": This line touches on a religious concept of death as a consequence of sin. It suggests that death is a reminder of humanity's shortcomings, but it doesn't necessarily imply despair.


The overall message is one of acknowledging our mortality while seeking solace and strength in a higher power.



  the weakest goes to the wall


Samp. A dog of that house shall move me to stand. I will take
the wall of any man or maid of Montague's.
Greg. That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall.




原文は「道路の両側壁に近い側をとる」take the wallとあり、当時はまだ道路の状態が悪く、中央は馬車の往来や泥濘などで危険が多く、それに対して両側に近い側がより安全とされていた。


同時に、女に対しては、弱者として、男はこの壁側をゆずるのが常であった。それが次のグレゴリのせりふ、原文では「弱いほうが壁側へ行くにきまっている」The weakest goes to the wallとなるのである。

wall[wɔːl]【名】壁,塀.・・略・・The weakest goes to the wall.8 )(競 走の結果)優勝劣敗.・・略・・

weak[wiːk]【形】弱き,虚弱な,柔弱な,軟弱な,薄弱な,微弱な. ・・略・・The weakest goes to the wall.8)(競争の結果)優勝劣敗.・・略・・

8)このwall は道路の真ん中に対して端。弱い人は道路の端に行く。また、競争でビリになる(COD 1)。斎藤の「優勝劣敗」の訳はこの強弱を踏まえたものであろう。

go to the wall (1)
If a person or company goes to the wall, they lose all their money and their business fails. [BRITISH]人や企業が壁に行くとは、全財産を失い、事業は破綻という意味である。

❐ Over the last year, two football clubs have gone to the wall.

❐ A total of 1,776 companies went to the wall in the three months to March - a drop of 14 per cent on the first three months of 1992. 


go to the wall (2)
If you are willing to go to the wall for a person or a principle, you support them so strongly that you are prepared to suffer on their behalf. [BRITISH]


❐ Above all, he prizes loyalty, He'll go to the wall for someone or something he believes in.


❐ He did not have much of a ministerial future anyway and we won't go to the wall for him now. 


NOTE One explanation for this expression is that it refers to someone who is trapped with their back to a wall and no way of escape.

注: この表現が生まれた背景は、壁際まで追い詰められて、もう逃げ場がないということ。

Another explanation is that it refers to medieval chapels in which healthy people used to stand, but which had seats around the walls for sick people.


A third explanation is that it refers to someone standing in front of a wall before being executed by a firing squad.


熟語本位英和中辞典を覗く16|alicemayism (note.com)
