
NFT ART PHOTOGRAPHS 2023 参考page 2023

The statement "photography is linked to reality" is an interesting subject for philosophical discussion and reflection. The statement raises questions about how photography relates to reality, the essential nature of photography and its expressive power. Some philosophical observations are presented below.

Mimesis Theory: Mimesis theory is a classic idea about the nature of art and expression. According to this theory, photography is seen as a means of imitating and reproducing reality. Photography is said to form a link with reality by cutting an object or landscape as part of reality, capturing and reproducing its fleeting appearance.

Representation and Reality: Some philosophers argue that photography is not merely an imitation of reality, but a representation of some aspect of reality. Photographs are said to provide selected visual information based on a particular point of view or context, and serve to allow the observer to understand reality from a certain perspective. Photographs are said to be selective representations of reality, and the choices they make shape the meaning of the photograph.

Truth and Falsity: While photographs are generally relied upon as a means of capturing reality, the question is also raised as to what degree photographs can convey the truth. Photographs can be limited in their information by the viewpoint or frame chosen, and can lack context or situation at the moment the photo was taken. This leads some to argue that photographs do not always convey the complete truth.

Memory and Frozen Time: A photograph that captures a single moment of reality has the ability to fix that moment forever. This leads to a discussion of photography's relationship to time and memory. As a means of bringing past moments into the present and re-experiencing them in visual form, photography has the potential to influence individual and cultural memory.

These observations illustrate different philosophical perspectives on the relationship between photography and reality. Through its link to reality, photography is considered as an element that has a profound influence on art, expression, the search for truth, and the preservation of memory.

Truthfulness and Reproducibility of Photography: While photographs are generally trusted as a means of capturing reality, there is debate as to whether they necessarily accurately convey the truth. Photographs can lack the context and verisimilitude of the moment in which they were taken, as the information is limited by the chosen frame and point of view. Photos can also be edited and manipulated to intentionally change the information. Therefore, there can be a subjective component to how well a photo conveys the truth.

Photographic Selection and Representation: Photographs are created based on the point of view and composition chosen by the photographer. This choice forms the meaning of the photograph and serves to show the observer reality from a particular point of view. In addition to capturing reality, photography is also a means of expression, in that the representation of information is made by the choices that are made.

Photography and Time: Photography has the ability to fix a moment in eternity. This makes photography a means of communicating past events and moments to the future, allowing for a singular interpretation of time. The information and events of the past in a single photograph can provoke different emotions and thoughts in different people who view it.

Photographic Influence and Memory: Photographs serve to shape and preserve the memories of individuals and societies. Photographs capture images of past events and people, and these records are passed on to future generations. In this way, photographs become an important part of history and cultural identity.

Photography and Fiction: On the other hand, photography does not always capture reality itself, but is also used as part of fiction and art. Images and stories expressed through photography can blur the boundaries between reality and fiction. Because of this, photography can also be seen as a means of expressing creativity and subjectivity.

From these perspectives, the relationship between photography and reality is varied and profound, and its meaning and impact is an ongoing subject of philosophical inquiry. Considering how photography not only reflects reality, but also how it makes sense of it and affects our perceptions and emotions, is considered an interesting question in many fields of art, philosophy, and sociology.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



  1. ミメーシスの理論 (Mimesis Theory): ミメーシスの理論は、芸術や表現のあり方に関する古典的なアイディアです。この理論によれば、写真は現実を模倣し、再現する手段として捉えられます。写真は物体や風景を現実の一部として切り取り、その一瞬の姿を捉えて再現することによって、現実とのリンクを形成するとされます。

  2. 表象と現実の関係 (Representation and Reality): 一部の哲学者は、写真が単なる現実の模倣ではなく、現実のある側面を表象していると主張します。写真は特定の視点やコンテキストに基づいて選ばれた視覚的な情報を提供し、観察者に一定の視点から現実を理解させる役割を果たすとされます。写真は現実の選択的な表象であり、その選択が写真の意味を形成するとされます。

  3. 真実と虚偽の問題 (Truth and Falsity): 写真は一般的には現実を捉える手段として信頼されていますが、写真がどれほどの程度で真実を伝えることができるのかという問題も提起されます。写真は選択された視点やフレームによって情報が制限され、撮影された瞬間の状況やコンテキストが欠落することがあります。このことから、写真が必ずしも完全な真実を伝えるものではないとする議論も存在します。

  4. 記憶と時間の凍結 (Memory and Frozen Time): 一瞬の現実を捉える写真は、その瞬間を永遠に固定する能力を持っています。このことから、写真は時間と記憶との関係についても考察されます。写真は過去の瞬間を現在に引き寄せ、視覚的な形で再体験させる手段として、個人や文化の記憶に影響を与える可能性があります。


写真の真実性と再現性: 写真は現実を捉える手段として一般的に信頼されていますが、写真が必ずしも真実を正確に伝えるかどうかについては議論があります。写真は選択されたフレームや視点によって情報が制限され、撮影された瞬間のコンテキストや臨場感が欠落することがあります。また、写真は編集や加工によって意図的に情報を変えることも可能です。このため、写真がどれだけ真実を伝えることができるかについては、主観的な要素も含まれることがあります。

  1. 写真の選択と表象: 写真は撮影者によって選択された視点や構図に基づいて作られます。この選択は写真の意味を形成し、観察者に特定の視点から現実を見せる役割を果たします。写真が現実を捉えるだけでなく、その選択によって情報の表象が行われるという観点から、写真は表現の手段としても注目されます。

  2. 写真と時間: 写真は瞬間を永遠に固定する能力を持っています。このことから、写真は過去の出来事や瞬間を未来に伝える手段として、時間の特異な解釈を可能にします。一枚の写真が持つ過去の情報や出来事は、それを見る人々によって異なる感情や思考を引き起こすことがあります。

  3. 写真の影響力と記憶: 写真は個人や社会の記憶を形成し、保存する役割を果たします。写真は過去の出来事や人々の姿を捉え、その記録が後世に受け継がれます。これにより、写真は歴史の一部や文化的なアイデンティティを形成する重要な要素となります。

  4. 写真とフィクション: 一方で、写真は必ずしも現実そのものを捉えるものではなく、フィクションやアートの一部としても使用されます。写真を用いて表現されたイメージや物語は、現実とフィクションの境界をぼかすことがあります。このことから、写真は創造性や主観性の表現手段としても捉えられます。


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