02-43_Death Valley N.P

画像1 This is our 4days trip on Febrary 2022. We took day off on Friday and came to LAX in Carifornia. Este es nuestro viaje de 4 días en febrero de 2022.
画像2 They have the hottest record in the world. Actually and the driest and the lowest. You can check it out for detail here. https://www.nps.gov/deva/index.htm
画像3 We got humberger. This store is only in East coast. Comimos almuerzo en 'In-N-Out' la famosa tienda de hamburguesa. No tenemos esta tienda en el este de Estados Unidos, solo en oeste….
画像4 We took the day fight this time so we have a time to relax. Haha Most of our trip start from Friday night, so when we arrive at the airport It was dark and late night... Tenemos muchos tiempo libre en esta viaja por llegamos alí en la tarde.
画像6 Here is Zabriskie Point. I thoght Death valey is more flat place and nothing, like a huge desert but there are some small pieces of mountain and rock.
画像7 Hay muchas montañas pequeñas blancas y maronas.
画像8 El tiempo de puesta de sol.
画像9 Demasiado difícil caminar hasta el desierto... No puedo avanzar.
画像11 This is the route we drove the first day. Actually there are more famous point ‘Race track’ but we don’t go there cuz It’s far.
画像12 This is the link to 'Race track' with sunset. https://www.nps.gov/deva/planyourvisit/the-racetrack.htm#:~:text=Moving%20Rocks,-To%20see%20the&text=Erosional%20forces%20cause%20rocks%20from,as%20far%20as%201%2C500%20feet.
画像13 I forgot to take a picture to hotel but there was nice. The sky compleatly filled up the star and no light around the hotel makes us easy to see the star.
画像14 The 2nd day, we gonna go this route. going through from hotel to south and going to next park.
画像15 Let's go! Vamos!!
画像20 This is a Artists Palette. The rock has several color depens on the included mineral around this area. Some rock is green, some one is purple and pink.
画像23 The sky is super clear and amazing blue. All of the picture I took are beautiful. I’m taking a rest seeing the colorful rocks. The sun shine is really bright and sometimes feel hot at no shadow area It’s winter though.
画像24 The last place we went to in this park is Badwater Basin. All of the white is salt. The surface is really hard so we can walk on that surface. And It's salty. It’s 100% salt.
画像26 This area is super flat. And here is the lowest elevation in North America, 282ft below sea level….
画像27 It is absrutly good to visit here in winter season. Idk what happening in summer… Mainly we drove in this park cuz the park is huge and not much trail place. We don’t care about it tho.
