Semiconductors in Automobiles: Types and Functions

Semiconductors in Automobiles: Types and Functions

Semiconductors are essential components in modern automobiles, enabling various functions and features that enhance performance, safety, and comfort. This essay explores the types of semiconductors used in automobiles and their functions in detail.

Types of Semiconductors in Automobiles:

  1. Microcontrollers (MCUs):

MCUs are the core of electronic control units (ECUs) in vehicles. They execute programmed instructions, process sensor inputs, and control actuators, enabling functions like engine control, body control, and safety systems.

Types and Functions of MCUs:

  • Engine control MCUs: Optimize fuel injection and ignition timing for better fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

  • Body control MCUs: Manage door locks, power windows, air conditioning, and other comfort features.

  • Chassis control MCUs: Control safety systems like ABS and TCS.

  • Meter control MCUs: Display information like speed, fuel level, and other vital parameters.

Representative Manufacturers:

  • Renesas Electronics

  • NXP Semiconductors

  • Infineon Technologies

  1. Power Semiconductors:

Power semiconductors handle high voltage and current, playing a critical role in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles (HEVs) for motor control and power conversion.

Types and Functions of Power Semiconductors:

  • IGBTs: Control the speed of electric motors.

  • MOSFETs: Enhance power conversion efficiency.

  • SiC: Offers high voltage and temperature resistance, contributing to improved performance in EVs/HEVs.

Representative Manufacturers:

  • Mitsubishi Electric

  • Toshiba

  • Fuji Electric

  1. Memory:

Memory semiconductors store programs, data, and configuration information in vehicles.

Types and Functions of Memory:

  • Flash memory: Allows for reprogramming and data storage.

  • DRAM: Provides temporary storage for data.

  • EEPROM: Stores configuration and calibration information.

Representative Manufacturers:

  • Samsung Electronics

  • Micron Technology

  • SK Hynix

  1. Sensors:

Sensors detect the environment and vehicle conditions, contributing to autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Types and Functions of Sensors:

  • Cameras: Capture surrounding visuals for perception.

  • Radar: Detect obstacles in front and behind the vehicle.

  • LiDAR: Generate 3D spatial information.

  • Accelerometers: Measure vehicle acceleration.

  • Gyroscopes: Detect vehicle rotation.

Representative Manufacturers:

  • Bosch

  • Continental

  • Denso

Other Semiconductors:

In addition to the above, specialized semiconductors are used for functions like car communication, audio processing, and security.

Future Trends:

The advancement of autonomous driving, connected cars, and other technologies will drive the demand for even more sophisticated semiconductors in automobiles. Next-generation semiconductors like SiC and GaN promise further performance improvements and energy efficiency in vehicles.


Semiconductors play a vital role in modern automobiles, enabling diverse functions and features that enhance driving experience and safety. As automotive technology continues to evolve, the demand for innovative and high-performance semiconductors will remain crucial.

