Bullying of Newcomers in Japan: A Cultural Issue?

Bullying of Newcomers in Japan: A Cultural Issue?


Japan is a country renowned for its rich culture, harmonious society, and emphasis on collectivism. However, beneath this veneer of civility lies a dark underbelly of bullying, particularly prevalent in the context of newcomers entering new schools, workplaces, or social groups. This essay delves into the phenomenon of newcomer bullying in Japan, examining its cultural roots, detrimental effects, and potential solutions.

The Prevalence of Newcomer Bullying

Newcomer bullying, also known as iじめ (ijime), is a widespread issue in Japanese society. A 2018 survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) revealed that 2.1% of elementary school students and 0.7% of junior high school students experienced bullying. While these figures may seem low, they represent a significant number of individuals who have suffered immense emotional and psychological distress.

Cultural Factors Contributing to Newcomer Bullying

Several cultural factors contribute to the prevalence of newcomer bullying in Japan. The emphasis on conformity and group harmony often leads to ostracism and exclusion of those perceived as different or outsiders. Newcomers, with their unfamiliarity with social norms and expectations, become easy targets for bullying behaviors.

Furthermore, the hierarchical nature of Japanese society, with its emphasis on seniority and respect for authority figures, can create an environment where bullying is tolerated or even encouraged. Seniors may view bullying as a way to assert their dominance and establish their place in the social hierarchy.

The Impact of Newcomer Bullying

The consequences of newcomer bullying are far-reaching and detrimental. Victims often experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. The trauma of bullying can persist long into adulthood, negatively impacting their personal and professional lives.

In addition to the psychological impact, newcomer bullying can also lead to academic difficulties, increased absenteeism, and a reluctance to participate in social activities. Victims may withdraw from society, feeling isolated and hopeless.

Addressing the Issue of Newcomer Bullying

Tackling the issue of newcomer bullying requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both individual and societal factors. Schools, workplaces, and social groups must adopt zero-tolerance policies against bullying and implement effective prevention and intervention strategies.

Educating students, employees, and community members about the harmful effects of bullying is crucial. Raising awareness about empathy, respect, and inclusivity can foster a more supportive and welcoming environment for newcomers.

Moreover, empowering victims to speak up and seek help is essential. Providing accessible and confidential reporting mechanisms can encourage victims to come forward without fear of retaliation.


Newcomer bullying is a serious issue in Japan that demands urgent attention. Understanding the cultural factors that contribute to this phenomenon is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies. By fostering a more inclusive and supportive society, Japan can create a safer and more welcoming environment for all, where newcomers are valued and respected rather than ostracized and bullied.

Additional Points to Consider

  • The role of bystanders in addressing bullying behavior

  • The importance of parental involvement in preventing bullying

  • The need for long-term support for victims of bullying


  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT): https://www.mext.go.jp/english/

  • Japan Anti-Bullying Network (J-ABN): [無効な URL を削除しました]

  • Stop Bullying Japan: [無効な URL を削除しました]

I hope this essay provides a comprehensive overview of newcomer bullying in Japan. Please let me know if you have any further questions or requests.
