英語長文読解問題 自省録(マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌス著)



Marcus Aurelius has been lauded for his capacity "to write down what was in his heart just as it was, not obscured by any consciousness of the presence of listeners or any striving after effect." Gilbert Murray compares the work to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions and St. Augustine's Confessions. Though Murray criticizes Marcus for the "harshness and plainness of his literary style", he finds in his Meditations "as much intensity of feeling...as in most of the nobler modern books of religion, only [with] a sterner power controlling it." "People fail to understand Marcus," he writes, "not because of his lack of self-expression, but because it is hard for most men to breathe at that intense height of spiritual life, or, at least, to breathe soberly."

Rees (1992) calls the Meditations "unendingly moving and inspiring," but does not offer them up as works of original philosophy. Bertrand Russell found them contradictory and inconsistent, evidence of a "tired age" where "even real goods lose their savour." Using Marcus as an example of greater Stoic philosophy, he found the Stoic ethical philosophy to contain an element of "sour grapes." "We can't be happy, but we can be good; let us therefore pretend that, so long as we are good, it doesn't matter being unhappy." Both Russell and Rees find an element of Marcus' Stoic philosophy in the philosophical system of Immanuel Kant.

In the Introduction to his 1964 translation of Meditations, the Anglican priest Maxwell Staniforth discussed the profound impact of Stoicism on Christianity. Michael Grant called Marcus Aurelius "the noblest of all the men who, by sheer intelligence and force of character, have prized and achieved goodness for its own sake and not for any reward." Gregory Hays' translation of Meditations for The Modern Library made The Washington Post's bestseller list for two weeks in 2002.

The book has been described as a prototype of reflective practice by Seamus Mac Suibhne. Beatrice Webb, the Labour movement leader who coined the term collective bargaining referred to Meditations as her “manual of devotion.” United States President Bill Clinton said that Meditations is his favorite book, and former United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis carried his own personal copy of The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius throughout his deployments as a Marine Corps officer in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Wen Jiabao, the former Prime Minister of China, has said that he has read the Meditations over a hundred times. He also stated that he was "very deeply impressed" by the work.


  1. Stoic philosophy (ストア派の哲学): ストア派は古代ギリシャの哲学の一派で、ストア派哲学では、個人の幸福は道徳的な美徳や内面の平静によって達成されるとされます。この哲学は、人生の不可避な苦難や困難に対して冷静な態度を保つことを重視し、外部の出来事に左右されない内面の強さを養うことを目指します。

  2. Confessions (告白): ここではジャン=ジャック・ルソーとアウグスティヌスによる『告白』という著作が言及されています。これらの著作は、著者自身の生活や精神的な旅を告白する自伝的な性格の書籍です。

  3. Sour grapes (酸っぱいぶどう): この表現は、エソップ童話の「キツネとぶどう」に由来しており、望む果実が手に入らない場合に、その果実が実際には価値のないものだと不合理に主張することを指します。ラッセルは、ストア派の哲学が「酸っぱいぶどう」の態度を持っていると述べています。つまり、幸福が得られないときに、幸福を重要ではないと主張する態度です。

  4. Reflective practice (反省的実践): これは、経験や行動について深く考え、それらから学び、自己成長や改善を促すプロセスを指します。Seamus Mac Suibhneは、『瞑想録』を反省的実践の原型と見なしています。







