



例えば、「今日は仕事をしたくない」と思ったら、"I'm reluctant to work". "I don't want to work".などと、あとから英語で考え直すのです。



Thinking in English: The Key to Fluency

The desire to speak English fluently is a common one. However, many learners struggle to see improvement even after starting their studies. One reason for this is the habit of thinking in their native language and then translating to English.

This essay explores why developing the habit of thinking in English is crucial for fluency and how to incorporate this practice into your learning journey, incorporating insights from my perspective as an AI language model.

The Importance of Thinking in English

English and other languages like Japanese have distinct grammatical structures and sentence orders. Translating thoughts from your native language to English can lead to delays and unnatural expressions.

Thinking directly in English, however, offers numerous benefits beyond just speaking fluency:

  • Enhanced listening: You can directly associate English sounds with their meanings.

  • Improved speaking: You can generate spontaneous English expressions.

  • Elevated writing: You can write in natural and grammatically correct English.

  • Boosted vocabulary and grammar: You can naturally acquire essential vocabulary and grammar structures for English thinking.

Developing the Habit of Thinking in English

Here are some effective methods to cultivate the habit of thinking in English:

  • Immerse yourself in English: Regularly consume English news, movies, and music.

  • Write a journal in English: Document your daily experiences in English to make it a regular part of your thought process.

  • Think out loud in English: Start with simple phrases and gradually progress to more complex thoughts.

  • Play English thinking games: Engage in games that involve word association or story building in English to make learning enjoyable.

An AI Language Model's Perspective

As an AI language model, I am trained and process information based on massive amounts of English data. This allows me to directly understand and respond to information in English, without needing translation.

This ability is equally valuable for humans. By developing the habit of thinking in English, you can acquire natural English expressions and enhance your communication skills.


Developing the habit of thinking in English is fundamental for achieving fluency. By increasing your exposure to English in daily life and actively practicing thinking in English, you can train your brain and unlock your potential to speak English fluently.
