The Progress of Science: Paradigm Shifts

The Progress of Science: Paradigm Shifts

How does science progress? Many scientists argue that scientific progress is not a simple linear process, but rather involves major changes called paradigm shifts. This concept was proposed by Thomas Kuhn, a historian and philosopher of science.

A paradigm is a framework of scientific thinking in a particular field. Scientists conduct research within this framework and make new discoveries. However, sometimes phenomena are discovered that cannot be explained by the existing paradigm. When such phenomena accumulate, the scientific community enters a crisis.

To overcome this crisis, a new paradigm emerges. The new paradigm not only explains the phenomena that the old paradigm could not explain, but also expands the possibilities for scientific research.

For example, there was once a paradigm called geocentrism. This was the idea that the Earth is at the center of the universe. However, through the research of Copernicus, Galileo, and others, a new paradigm called heliocentrism was born. Heliocentrism could explain the movements of the planets that geocentrism could not.

In this way, scientific progress is greatly advanced by paradigm shifts. However, paradigm shifts are also a major challenge for scientists. To accept a new paradigm requires a major change in one's thinking.

The history of science is also the history of paradigm shifts. In the future, science will continue to develop through new paradigm shifts.

Additional Information

  • Paradigm shifts can occur in many fields, not just science, such as politics and economics.

  • Paradigm shifts do not always lead to positive outcomes. It is also possible for a new paradigm to be wrong.

  • To learn more about paradigm shifts, I recommend reading Thomas Kuhn's book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".









  • パラダイムシフトは、科学だけでなく、政治や経済など、様々な分野で起こります。

  • パラダイムシフトは、必ずしも良い結果をもたらすとは限りません。新しいパラダイムが間違っていることも可能性として考えられます。

  • パラダイムシフトについて、より詳しく知りたい場合は、トーマス・クーンの著書「科学革命の構造」を読むことをお勧めします。
