
(Aesop,w030) 陸亀と鷲

(Aesop,w030) 陸亀りくがめわし

※ 英文の後に 単語/句 レベルの 英文→和文 逐語訳画像を載せています。
※ 英単語の意味や用法、発音などの復習や、

Aesop's Fables by Aesop (trans: Townsend, George Fyler) より

A Tortoise, lazily basking in the sun, complained to the sea-birds of her hard fate, that no one would teach her to fly. An Eagle hovering near, heard her lamentation, and demanded what reward she would give him, if he would take her aloft, and float her in the air. “I will give you,” she said,“all the riches of the Red Sea.” “I will teach you to fly then,” said the Eagle ; and taking her up in his talons, he carried her almost to the clouds, ━ when suddenly letting her go, she fell on a lofty mountain, and dashed her shell to pieces. The Tortoise exclaimed in the moment of death : “I have deserved my present fate ; for what had I to do with wings and clouds, who can with difficulty move about on the earth ? ” If men had all they wished, they would be often ruined.

➊ 発音記号付き英文テキスト

➋ 逐語訳

➌ マークアップ付き英文テキスト

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日本語を話せる外国人さん達を増やすために日本語学習用書籍を発刊したいです。 Aesop寓話300余編は2025年末まで作業を続ける予定です。 多くの外国人に「物を粗末にするな!」「人の家をミサイルで壊すな!」と日本語で話し通じるようにする為に、是非サポートをして下さい!