
"Proof of Life"

One of my mates sent me the link to this video.
I'm not sure if I'd agree with everything said, especially when I couldn't get many of the questions from the audience but I believe we should share this far and wide.

Obviously, fees are more expensive than Drew said,

and the court precedent related with FAKE police authority didn't work - I had it in my hand but they fraudulently and violently ARRESTED me in order to make me say my name etc. when they already knew.

Anyway, please share with others.

Drew Talk to HPC in Wauchope

Related with above talk,

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 and Selling and Buying our Birth Certificates

Shame, Drew doesn't seem to know the Modern Medicine FRAUD (incl. Vaccine Fraud). I'd like to let him know the real cure like apricot kernels but the comment section is closed.

And things like "Terra Australis States Assembly" he's mentioned, so far I couldn't find anything apart from agents' pages. They are very good at hiding and misleading.

This Drew seems genuine to me, but be careful with others - I saw on the same channel, a few videos of talks by "Alex" and that "Alex" is one of those FAKE Governments' agents who uses "Galactic Emissary" for his email, that I wrote about here (towards the end of it):

[Pandemic LIE] Brace yourself!! There are tons of FAKE Governments’ Agents among our heroes just like in 9/11 Truth movement

I checked one of 2 videos I saw on Anton's channel, and less than first one minute, he was showing various Satanic signs all right.

4 fingers together and tilt.
Upside down Pyramid
6 6 6 on both hands
Again, 6 6 6

I still remember those 2 woman who organized the meeting at the park were praising him a lot, and 2 men were defending him when I pointed out he is an agent. So don't be fooled, there are tons of them around. They tell us true facts, but you'd better be careful cause their real job starts after they obtain your trust along with diverting your attention away from the real solution, making you waste your energy, time and occasionally money, and so forth.

And as usual, check out below if you haven't:

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - FAKE Parking Fine #3

Not just lines: Chemtrails / ChemSky, you are inhaling poison everyday.

And never forget, even if they were not companies but legit Governments, that system is simply giving you an illusion that you are participating in politics by voting, while voting means you're giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!!

That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!! So we've got to end to have this fraudulent system called 'government'. It's a fraud in order to control us, rob us and poison us.

Have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do. As long as it's on the body, they won't disturb you at all.

Because SNS cannot spread the word, make sure to wake up others in real life. And do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.

And keep using cash!!
