
[Pandemic LIE] Brace yourself!! There are tons of FAKE Governments’ Agents among our heroes just like in 9/11 Truth movement

Have you watched the short video?
I don’t know the source but captured the image,

I captured more from Our World in Data



And made a sign, ;o)


*You choose the country/-ies.

Another one was a comparison of,

Now, I’m sure many of you have watched some videos that deny what Dr. Bryan Ardis told the world. I have watched videos of Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan with Mark Donio and skimmed through what Dr. Pierre Kory wrote etc.

Dr. Andrew Kaufmans Comments on the Snake Venom Hypothes
April 19th, 2022

First of all, I was told years ago, “Don’t vote for a man who wears a wig (to hide his baldness).” cause he has no problem of deceiving others. As you probably remember, sorry this in JP but he told us about Exosome.

When interviewed another hero, Dr. Carrie Madej



reached to this stage. I mean, his hair.

I didn’t have any doubt about Kaufman, but when I saw his “Terrain”,

Terrain: The Film (2022) | The End Of Germ Theory? - by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman
February 7th, 2022

my alarm bell started to go off.

Along with Alex Jones, Icke is a very famous and long-lived agent for the other side.

I heard he was suffering from “rheumatoid arthritis” some years ago,

then he could be VERY CONVENIENTLY taking Hydroxychloroquine!!
Anyway, I think this was his ex-wife?

Below a few images from whale.to site.

And in “Terrain”, I finally saw him showing the sign!

Many might miss it but I didn’t.
It’s bit strange a shape, but it’s 6 6 6, kinda reversed cause he’s doing it with his left hand.

Anyway, Kaufman said that there was no mention of “Conflict of Interest” in the study that Dr. Ardis showed.

Perhaps because I looked on a different page, but I saw it with no problem.

Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients

Kaufman criticized this cannot be a proof of what Dr. Ardis said because it says “ALMOST identical”.

But that cannot be a proof to say that what Dr. Ardis claimed is false because there is a possibility. Therefore, Kaufman could be misled by Icke.

Mike Donio guy’s analysis, also ignored many factors presented by Ardis. And it was a bit odd that the caption showed “Tom Cowan” for both men,

Also it was a bit odd to see Dr. Tom who is brilliant in explaining things to us commoners, having someone else to do the job. This friend of his said that Ardis said “All monoclonal antibodies are anti-venom”,

but I never heard him say that. I might have missed a video where he says it, but I saw a fair bit. So there is a question. And they left many more factors Ardis showed untouched. Why?? - Probably because they cannot deny them.

As for Pierre Kory, I’d say he didn’t show any data (though any data nowadays could be questionable) to disprove what Ardis said. He just told us his impression. On top, he misunderstood what Ardis said when he stated,

  1. He accused doctors in the hospital of giving patients medicines like morphine, precedex, fentanyl etc in order to “suppress (or stop, cant remember) their breathing.”
    (end quote)

That’s not what Bryan Ardis said.
He said the doctors are giving morphine etc., in order to seduce them so that they can be put on ventilators.

At any rate, it is a fact that many of the symptoms of so-called ‘corona’ and the adverse health effects (is the correct way of calling ‘side-effects’ BTW) of the poisonous injection of COVID-1984. And I can tell that Illuminati, the super evil rich and powerful criminals behind all this and more, let Ardis tell this to the world.

Yes, he was ALLOWED to reveal this and we have to remember that.

Remember Julian Assange, who was reported to be very scared to get killed while having interviews with BBC etc., and appearing TED TALK, who ridiculed 9/11 Truth,

Same with Snowden who called that FALSE FLAG Boston Marathon Bombing that I explained on my blog that they deleted, a 'terror act'. As for Assange, I wrote years ago what his co-founder of WikiLeaks was saying about him,

and the link between that and Soros

on my blogs which have been completely deleted last July right after I revealed the real identity of ,

I even wrote a comment on a related video posted by Chad Chaddington, I think it was…

And my BrandNewTube account got frozen for quite a while.
I assume you cannot see my comments on that page.

Also there was a commenter named “David Martin” there, aint' that weird?

And I came across with a very interesting video that tells us many of our heroes are actually working for the other side. Not that I fully trust this man who made this video…


Shortly after 3/11 2011, I contacted this Sacha guy via e-mail and I found his response was weird and therefore I had “?” about him. I was right there.

And I might have not been writing about them on this blog, but I did figure out quite a few of them already such as,

who was proudly showing us the Award of L.A. Tribune, a mainstream media, also showing usual 6 6 6

And the Pillars i.e. Boaz and Jachin

Notice the background is actually a PYRAMID shape without the top stone… which is also seen here,

I was sure that the criminals are to collect the victims’ information so cunningly.

Just like him, though this guy is not in above video,

He never ceases to show his allegiance to the Devil.

Just like this Jesuit, who’s got so many fans in the world, blindly believing he is on our side…

with FAKE Putin,

with his “VERY GOOD FRIEND” Henry Kissinger…

The image I have (above) is better, but you can see it here.

Talking about Kissinger the mass murderer,
I've gotta fix that blog link…

Back to Trump. Busy making 6 6 6

on both hands, i.e. some says 6 X 6 = 36

Below is FRAMING. I saw Michael Moore doing it.

And that sign of Baphomet, below that Al Smith Dinner

And what happened to that promise??

ALL FORGOTTEN, cause that criminal Ruddy Giuliani who DESTROYED the evidence of horrific crime called 9/11 is actually his “VERY GOOD FRIEND”, just like Kissinger and Trupm says Giuliani is a “GOOD GUY

And Trump donated $1.16 BILLION to GAVI

Signed Executive Orders to PROMOTE GMO, Vaccines, and 5G and he was the one who started that Operation WARP SPEED to inject this poison to Americans,

How blind so many people are, seriously …

I also found Stephen Greer doing this,

Remember “Disclosure Project”?
I guess this Dr. Carol Rosin was probably the only one who was telling us the truth there.

Dr. Carol Rosin in the Disclosure Project

Dr. Carol Rosin: Staged Artificial 'Alien Invasion' and asteroide/comet threat. NWO final card

whose story coincides with what that brilliant truther Bill Cooper told us,

Bill told us that they would make Osama bin Laden a ‘culprit’ of a horrendous crime months before 9/11 happened, and got shot to death that November. I wish he were still alive…

The Coming UFO Hoax Bill Cooper
darkskyfile Published December 15, 2021

Also, this guy Clint Richardson, who made a brilliant documentary,

Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination

Sadly, working for the other side it seems.

And this Professor

And for years, I knew Mike Adams is not on our side.
He pretended to believe Al Gore’s lie for a long time, and when he joined with Alex Jones the JESUIT, and/or a Knights of Malta, I knew Adams is working for the criminals. And then I finally saw this,

Try it yourself.
Just letting your hands together, you cannot make this shape.
i.e. he is deliberately making it = pyramid.

I haven’t seen any sign from Stew Peters yet, but I am certain he is one of them and many people who are connected with him and/or Alex Jones are the same. Before I watched above video, I already noticed this pillow guy,

Did you notice the flag folded on the shelf behind him?
PYRAMID SHAPE and the number of stars fully visible on the front side is 9.

He is showing that FRAMING sign, or could be the pillars. And

The discount rate above is approx. 33.3 % and he always shows,

I didn’t know he is a Trump supporter, and thet’s like the last nail in the coffin.

As I must have written somewhere, I’ve seen tons of agents after September 11, 2001 both in real life and on the net. Recently, I saw one at the park meeting some weeks ago, named Alex whom I met at the back of a local library in 2019.

He bragged that he was charging Victoria Police the COMPANY and would make them pay him tens of thousands of dollars then. Yet every time I asked him about that case via e-mail, he ignored me.

On that day in the park, he tried to avoid letting me question him, but he had to in front of many other members. So I asked him about the case and even said that he should tell us the next hearing date so that “we can come and support you.”

Without even saying “Thanks for the offer”, he straight away said,
“You can’t go into the court house unless you’re double jabbed” so I asked him, “What about YOU?”

He couldn’t answer at all.
I KNEW he was lying there then anyway, because Legal Aid site clearly told me months ago,

as I showed you before,

On top, I checked with my mate who goes to court fairly often, who never got any shot, and he confirmed me that they never stop him going in, even though he doesn’t even wear a mask either.

This ‘Alex’ also told us that we should open a bank account called ‘private account’ to protect our assets. I went around a few banks and asked the tellers, but none of them ever heard such a thing, and how can you open it??

One of them, who seemed a veteran employee told me that there is a big division called “Private Banking” but that is for big corporations only.

One more about this guy ‘Alex’, he apparently 'taught' some already, and one of them followed his instruction and submitted an Affidavit. BUT the criminals dismissed it BECAUSE this ‘Alex’ guy didn’t tell them the REAL BASIC. I did it myself so I knew, but ‘Alex’ didn’t tell them that you have to get your Affidavit CERTIFIED by a Justice of Peace before making any copy to submit.

‘Alex’ and another agent named Jacquie Dundee whom I met at the protest in Trafalgar, who is very popular on FB

and has been a speaker at the protests in Melbourne,

who totally ignores my advice to tell her followers how I fought back the traitors successfully (that I showed on my previous blog that criminals deleted last July) using the method Scott Bartle showed us,

What the FUQ?
Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government" - Documentary


are ‘teaching’ in Outtrim, charging $50.00/head. And that Scott was yet another FAKE Governments' agents who tell us truth, as I revealed recently on

04MAY24 BOYCOTT ~ Emotion blocks your eyes and ears - FAKE GOV's/Illuminati's agents who tell us Truth

When I warned about him (above Alex) to some members at the park, one guy said he’d gladly pay $50.00.

In the meantime, I who needs $$ have been showing everything for free for years including holding a film showing (related 9/11) at the State Library in Melbourne, paying quite a bit to help Zionists' make some via their business called 'insurance', and handing out thousands of flyers I make for 20 years, ALL FREE i.e. out of my pocket, because I think truth should be free. So when I heard that guy saying he wouldn't mind paying to learn false information from this spook, I thought “ALAS, HOW NAIVE those who believe they woke up…

Of course there are many more fraudsters, but above should be enough for now.

Please wake up fully, train yourself to figure out spooks, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more everyday, not only on the net but in real life, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
