
GERD Diet: Foods That Help in Acid Reflux

Are you frequently feeling full of gas or have gastric issues? Have you felt an intense burning sensation in your chest recently? If so, then DT Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in India can provide the answers you've been looking for.
There is a chance that you suffer from digestive reflux disease (GERD) often referred to by the name acid reflux. GERD is a medical disease in which food that is digested in the stomach flows back into the oesophagus, which results in bad breath, heartburn chest discomfort vomiting It's a very painful long-term health issue that is unfortunately extremely common in Indians. More than 10, million Indians are affected by acid reflux each year.

Let's now get to the primary problem that brought you here. What can you do to manage acid reflux? Do you need any medication? Although there are many medications available to treat GERD however, the best option is food and diet. A balanced diet and lifestyle will improve your gut health and stop acidity once and for all. Let's look at what you can consume when suffering from GERD.

A General Diet Chart For Acid Reflux:

What Time Should I Eat?
Which Foods To Do You Eat?

The Early Morning (after getting up)
Drink 1 glass of lukewarm, lukewarm water with half a teaspoon lemon juice, and an ounce of sendha Namak
pre-breakfast (after 30 to 45 minutes drinking Lemon Water)
Take 4 almonds (soaked overnight and then peeled) plus 3 halves of walnuts (soaked for a night) and 1 fruit (soaked for a night) plus 2 inches coconut

Fruits that are coated with two teaspoons Chia seeds

Drink coconut water or Sattu drink or thin buttermilk

Begin with a small bowl of salads that are seasonal. Eat the vegetables of the season by eating 2–3 chapatis made from millets (ragi or jau / jowar) and served with ghee or two bowls of rice or Kodo / samak. You could also add seasonal pickles and chutney for lunch.

Post Lunch
Mix saunf with dhagewali mishri. Eat 1 teaspoon of this mix

Make 1 bowl of thin vegetable soup

Keep your dinner light. Take 1 or 2 bowls of moong daal with ghee, or any non-veg food that is seasonal or moong chilla, paneer or dal Tofu with vegetables of the season Khichdi, mixed with chutney and vegetables and 1 cup of daal * NOTE: This is a general diet chart. If you are in need of GERD
treatment it is advised to consult a Best dietician in India  for an Everybody has a unique body type and, therefore one diet chart will not accommodate every person.

Some Lifestyle Tips To Control Acid Reflux:
• Always eat your food while lying cross-legged or in an Althi-Palthi position.
• Consume seasonal, local and regional food.
• Do not overeat. Make sure you keep 1 / 4th empty space within your stomach.
• Don't drink cold water at any time of the year.
• Don't drink too much water while talking, walking, standing, working out, • Sip
water every sip, allowing your body to absorb the water better.
• Get enough sleep and quality of sleep.
• Beware of eating out of habit.
• Take melons for lunch and do not mix them with other fruits.
Never eat raw foods during dinner.

These are some tips recommended by DT Luna Jaiswal the Best dietician in Lucknow, India.
