
It's nice! いいじゃないか






















それは名前を呼んであげるだけでその人の自己承認欲求を満たしてあげることができるそして名前を呼んだことで存在価値を認めてあげることにつながる生きている今いることを認めてあげるということにつながるのでその選んでくれた人を好きになる好感度が上がるそしてその人をサポートを支持しようとするそうすることでお互いに win-win の関係になるということになります










It's nice! What I mean by this is that it's a good thing to say when something happens to you. In the course of our daily lives, there are many things that happen to us, things that we don't like, things that are good, things that are good anywhere, things that we lose, things that we gain, things that are negative, things that are positive, things that make us happy, things that make us angry. In those times, it is important to say, "It's all right to be whole, just as if it were all right. I'm sure you'll agree that this is a very important phrase. It's a very important word because it acknowledges the situation. If it's a good thing, you can say it's okay, but if it's a bad thing, you can't really say it's okay. However, the more unpleasant the situation is, the more we can say that it is okay and acknowledge the situation, the more we can acknowledge the existence and the event. We know that the events we see in front of us are caused by us, and we know that the events we see in front of us are related to us. The train is delayed right in front of us, there's trouble right in front of us, there's a fight going on right in front of us, but it's actually us that's causing it. You may think that train delays have nothing to do with you, but the fact is that we go to the station because it is convenient and we want to use the train, and there is a certain probability that train delays will occur. If you don't want to take the train and you don't want to be delayed, you can choose to drive or use other means to get around. If you don't want to take the train and don't want to be delayed, you can always choose to drive or use another means of transportation, but we are jumping into this environment because we want to use the train. And even when we have a problem, we say it's okay because the problem has created some new benefit. For example, if you forget to take change when you receive it, you may feel a loss and regret why you didn't take it at the time. You'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing. Managing your money will prevent you from spending money out of your pocket, and it will also increase your awareness. It's not just about the money you spend, it's about how you spend it. It's a good thing that you only forgot to get change, for example, if it was a more important item like an ID card or a smartphone or something expensive, you would have lost a lot more money. If it's a small amount, it's a blessing in disguise. The good and the bad always come together, and what seems like a bad thing can actually be a good thing, and what seems like a good thing can actually be a bad thing. In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you're going to want to make sure that you're able to get the most out of it. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us. The one who gives can be given https://amzn.to/3dI5Wdy In the event that you've got a lot of money in your pocket, you're going to want to make sure that you've got it all. In fact, this is the beginning of unhappiness, because we misuse our money, we are resented and jealous because of our money, we are in a situation where our lives are in danger, and our relationships are falling apart. It is important to be able to say, "This is okay," even in these times. It is important to be able to recognize the great value that lies beyond the good and the bad. It is also important to acknowledge the existence of human beings, especially when you call them by name. One of the presidents also said that after focusing on remembering names. It's a way of satisfying a person's need for self-recognition by simply calling them by name, and calling them by name is a way of validating their existence, a way of acknowledging that they are alive and present, which makes them like the person who chose them, which makes them more likable, which makes them more willing to support them. It's a win-win situation for both parties. If you are a person who is not in love, you are a person who ignores their existence. But it's actually because they acknowledge the existence of that person that they swear, and they comment on that existence because they envy that person. If you don't even acknowledge their existence, you don't think about them, you don't feel about them, you don't feel anything about them, they're just like air. I know that there were people I knew who were ignored in the company, who were not given any work to do, and if they tried to do anything, they were told not to do anything, and their work was taken away, and they were forced to spend their days coming to work, sitting down, and just going home after hours. It was a small company, and no one could stop them, and they didn't know what they were there for. I quit my job because I found someone who didn't love me, and I didn't know what I was coming to work for. But it's important to realize that if you can say, "This is fine," you can turn it into a good opportunity, and if you can say, "This is fine," you can get a new job at a new company, you can build new relationships, you can minimize the time you spend wasting your life working for such a useless company. You can minimize the amount of time you waste working for such a useless company, and if you think about it, it will somehow lead you in the right direction. Misfortune and fortune are like a knotted rope I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea to try and find a way to make it work. This means that going up and down is connected to good things and bad things and bad things and good things, and that they all lead to one thing. So a good thing can lead to a bad thing, a bad thing can lead to a good thing, and so on. There is also a saying, "All things are possible with a horse," and when you bring a horse that is useful for your work, you can get your work done when you ride the horse, but then you fall off the horse and break a bone, and the horse runs away, but the horse comes back with a new horse, and how many horses do you have? You will find that many good things and many bad things are actually connected, and one of the points of the word is that this is fine.
