
















残念な事に、この時点では更年期が痩せない原因だと思い込んでいた私は、自分の食生活を省みる事なく、○○が良いらしいよ、と聞けばネットで『更年期 ○○ 痩せた』で調べ倒します。




更年期症状にはプラセンタ注射が効くよ、と知人に教えて頂き 週に3回仕事帰りに女性クリニックに寄って1アンプル注射してました。




Could it be menopause?

I started gaining weight gradually around 43-44 years old. (gained at a rate of 2 kg in less than a year)
Huh? Usually I can get back to normal with a little effort... but obviously something is different than usual, but... Eh, what?
I feel like I gain weight just by breathing air, and I don't feel like I can lose weight no matter what I do... Despite my growing doubts and anxiety, I continued to make an effort to move even a little bit every day.

Hello, my name is Yukimaru.
I have a feeling that this is going to be a long article from the start.
This is my first time to write a "note," and perhaps once I get used to it, I may be able to write in a way that is easier to read, but until I get used to it, I would like to write as I feel like it.

So let's continue...

At the time, I was an active person who mainly practiced yoga, did kettlebell training and TRX workouts, and cycled 50 to 100 km on my road bike on weekends when the weather was nice.

My diet was as pretentious as a woman in a magazine.
(I am not denigrating or condemning those who are doing similar things in terms of diet and other things I am about to write about, so please don't misunderstand me. This is just Yukimaru's case).

In the morning I drink hot water and eat either a green smoothie or a large amount of fruit. 
Lunch and dinner are mainly avocado and raw vegetables, and nuts, fruit, yogurt and rye bread called pumpernickel. I hardly ate any bread or noodles other than rice or rye bread. It was not that I did not dare to eat them, but rather that I liked rye bread too much.
I liked to make a dressing for raw vegetables by mixing carrots, walnuts, tahini (sesame paste), vinegar, miso, soy sauce, garlic, and a little apple juice in a blender.

After exercise, I juiced cucumber, celery, and grapefruit in the juicer and refreshed my thirst with the refreshing juice.

Those of you with good instincts have already figured it out.

Protein is clearly lacking, and sugar is all fructose and lactose. Carbohydrates were lacking, and the diet was overwhelmingly lacking in glucose. There was also too much fat, because I was consuming a lot of nuts, even though I was only concerned about calories. And I was constantly fighting hunger.

But it wasn't just my diet that made me feel like a woman in a magazine.

For some mysterious reason, because I wanted to give my internal organs a rest, I did a seasonal detox called the Master Cleanse for a week to 10 days. It's also known as the lemonade diet.
When I woke up in the morning, I would drink a liter of salt water, spend about an hour cleaning out my intestines, and then make a special lemonade with lemon, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, which is the only thing I would do during the cleanse.
In fact, you will lose weight rapidly. I think my body was screaming because it was losing weight as a result of the lack of nutrients and the body's need to break down muscle protein for energy and amino acids.

No, it was definitely screaming.

I was so ignorant and naive that I thought, "If I gain a little weight, I can just do the Master Cleanse.
I have tried the cleanse many times, but my screaming body is in starvation mode and will not lose weight. Instead of losing weight, I started gaining weight.

Then Yukiharu had a thought. Could this be menopausal weight gain?
I would like to say to me at that time.Sure, it's the same time of year as menopause, but it's not the cause of my inability to lose weight!

Because I was eating. Sweets and rice crackers, even though I should be watching my calories!
I think I was eating dangerously because I wanted to eat sweets and rice crackers.

Unfortunately, at this point, I was convinced that menopause was the cause of my inability to lose weight, and I would go online and look up "menopause xxx lose weight" whenever I heard that xxx was good for me, without taking a moment to reflect on my eating habits.
I tried everything I could think of, but it didn't last long and I didn't lose any weight.
The "diet only for XXX" doesn't work.
By the time I gained 5 kg, I was no longer motivated.
I read an article that said, "I lost weight by doing XXX," and my impression was, "Oh, she was able to lose weight because she is still young, but she won't be able to lose weight when she turns 50 or so.

My yoga wear and cycle wear, which were originally tight and snug, have become so tight that I could tear them with a needle in a second, and my posture has deteriorated to the point that yoga, which I used to love, has become nothing but pain. I felt limited in poses where I had to twist my body because of my abdominal flab. I mistakenly believed that if I stretched my chest out, my posture would be good, and my straight neck and warped back became so bad that it was painful to link my breathing with my movements.
It was also too hard for me to ride my bicycle up hills because I had become too heavy.

Yet I still don't doubt that it was menopause.
I ended up gaining 13 kg.
I felt terrible about myself and every time I looked in the mirror, all I could do was sigh.

Then the serious menopausal symptoms started.
My symptoms were dizziness, irritability, hot flashes, nausea, fatigue, and headaches.
A friend told me that placenta injections would help with my menopausal symptoms, so I dropped by a women's clinic three times a week after work and injected myself with one ampule.

I was taking the placenta injections three times a week and the prescribed herbal medicine, but I didn't feel any effect on me, but I kept going to the clinic believing that it should get better.

At that time, the world became COVID-19 pandemic.

To be continued next time!

