Impact of quitting coffee on physical condition.(英語学習用)


Background and Purpose)
It is known that some amount of coffee have efficacy of reducing risks associated with death such as suppressing cancer. On the other hand, excess amount of it can cause dizzy, increased heart rate, anxiety, shiver, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Besides, long term intake can increase risks of hypertension. Moreover, it has been reported that overdose of caffein caused death(refer to web site of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers). I had usually drunk relatively large amount of coffee to keep myself going. However, I have not experienced side effect of caffeine. Therefore, in this page, I discuss impact of quitting coffee on my physical condition.

I compared my physical condition before and 3weeks after quitting coffee to survey pros and cons.

♦️Before quitting coffee
7:30(When waking up);I had drowsiness, feeling of fatigue, and headache.
8:30(After commuting);I had suffered from drowsiness and feeling of fatigue. Therefore, I had always drunk coffee 500mL.
8:45;I had gradually woken up.
9:00(At the morning assembly);I had enough motivation to work.
12:15(At lunch break);I had always drunk coffee 200mL to get motivated, because I sometimes drowsy.
13:00(When resuming work);I had enough motivation to work.
19:00(After returning home);After meal, I had always drunk coffee 500mL to get motivated, because I have to prepare for tomorrow's work, etc.
24:00;Drowsiness had made me stunned.
25:30;I had been to bed, then I had always went to sleep within 5 seconds.

♦️After quitting coffee(Week1)
7:30(When waking up);I had drowsiness, feeling of fatigue, and headache.
8:30(After commuting);I had suffered from drowsiness and fatigue.
9:00(At the morning assembly);I had still suffered from drowsiness. Moreover, I had been sleepy even when standing.
10:00;I had woken up because I moved around.
12:15(At lunch break);I had been sleepy almost every day.
13:00(When resuming work);I had taken a small nap and I had felt a lot better.
19:00(After returning home);After meal, I had often space out, because I had not been motivated and I had felt a fatigue.
25:30:I had been to bed, then I had always went to sleep within 5 seconds.

♦️After quitting coffee(Week2)
It was almost the same condition as the Week1.

♦️After quitting coffee(Week3)7:00(When waking up); I had been sleepy.
8:30(After commuting);I had enough motivation to work.
12:15(At lunch break);I had enough motivation to work.
13:00(When resuming work);I had enough motivation to work.
19:00(After returning home);Even after meal, I had enough motivation to work.
22:00;Drowsiness had made me stunned.
22:05;Before I knew it, it was already morning.

In week1 and 2, I had often been very sleepy. In particular, when it's terrible, I had been sleepy even when standing. Therefore, I recognized that I had been caffein dependent. In my case, I had been waken up by moving around in this morning, but if I had not moved around in morning, I would have been fired. I had been able to work in Week1 and weeK2 afternoon. For this reason, the effect of taking a nap that started at the same time cannot be denied.

The biggest problem was that I could not do anything after I got home because of feeling of fatigue.

This event was really painful for me. Hence, I wanted to drink a coffee, and my body also wanted caffein. From this point as well, I confirmed that I had been caffein dependent. And, in Week3, I had felt refreshed after waking up better than Week1 and Week2. Before Week3, I had usually got up at 7:30, but, I have become able to get up at 7:00. Also, I have become able to work after returning home since Week3. Before quitting coffee, I had started getting sleepy around 24:00, but after quitting coffee, I have started getting sleepy around 22:00. Thereby, it is assumed that I am a morning person originally, I had been made into a night person by coffee. Limitation of this survey is that number of people surveyed is only one, therefore this survey is highly unreliable.

For the impact of quitting coffee on physical condition, the plus point is that I am about to change from night person to morning person, and the minus point is nothing.
