
韓米日協議体自体に問題はない。 友好国である米国、日本と安保的な協力は必要で重要だ。 しかし、ここでさらに重要なことは、米国と日本だけを強調し、北朝鮮、中国、ロシアと対立する状況を看過したということだ。 保守政権時代の盧泰愚(ノ·テウ)、朴槿恵(パク·クンヘ)政権時代にも北方政策を通じて北朝鮮、中国との関係を平和に維持してきた。
なぜ陣営間の競争を誘発し、無駄な緊張を呼び起こすのか分からない。 緊張で終わらず、もし局地的な武力衝突が発生すれば、これまで韓国が築いてきた経済力は一瞬にして崩壊するだろう。 さらに恐ろしいのは、市民の犠牲だろう。
イスラエルとハマス、ウクライナとロシアの戦争を見れば分かるように、誰も勝者として喜びだけを維持できないことを目撃した。 一般市民の犠牲が続いている。 政治家の誤った選択は、庶民の被害に帰結する。
2番目に指摘しなければならないことは、韓米関係は今後も緊密になると主張している。 トランプ政権になっても、彼ら周辺の参謀たちの話を聞いてみれば、変わりはないと主張している。 それよりも、韓日関係がいつまた悪化するか分からないと心配している。
トランプ氏は引き続き軍事費の増額を強調している。 自国優先主義を掲げながら、商人のようなマインドが強い。 そのためEUはトランプに備えて自主的な防御網を計画している。 「韓米関係は問題ない」という安易な言及に当惑した。
米国の自国優先主義はますます強くならざるをえない。 移民政策や物価政策はリベラルな民主党層ですら、一部はバイデン政権に背を向けている。 このような状況で、なぜアメリカの軍隊を送り、アメリカの金で他国を保護するのかというトランプ論理を強調すれば、韓米関係が維持できるのか? 直ちに韓国にとって重要で必要な戦略は、韓米関係が悪化した時の対応策になるだろう。 これは日本も同じ状況だ。
反面、韓日関係はこれまでずっとこじれたり協力したり、関係が繰り返されてきた。 韓国と日本の政府と市民がある程度適応している。 これまで経験したことのない状況ではない。 甚だしくは日本政府は核心輸出品目を韓国に禁止したこともある。 しかし、両国は協力を続けてきた。 両国は隣国としてお互いを必要とする存在だ。 そのため、関係が良くなくても両国に大きな被害をもたらす状況は発生しない。 歴史的な問題と領土問題は簡単に解決できる問題点ではない。 そのため、韓日関係はいつでも紛争が起きる。 しかし、また協力する。
そのため、韓日関係よりも韓米関係をどのように対処するかを、政府は今後考えなければならない。 最悪の場合、米軍が撤収するというシナリオまで念頭に置いて、韓日がどのように対処すべきかを韓日は協議しなければならないと専門家なら提案できなければならないと思う。(Qの希望)
A Rebuttal to an International School Professor's Praise for the U.S.-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Consultative Body
A professor from an international school in Korea recently published an op-ed in a newspaper, praising the government's policy on the U.S.-Japan-South Korea trilateral consultative body. He argued that the U.S.-South Korea relationship is unlikely to change significantly and expressed more concern about the future of the Japan-South Korea relationship.
While the trilateral consultative body itself is not inherently problematic, security cooperation with allied nations like the U.S. and Japan is indeed necessary and important. However, what’s even more crucial is the fact that the situation of alienating North Korea, China, and Russia by focusing solely on the U.S. and Japan has been overlooked. Even during conservative administrations, such as those of Roh Tae-woo and Park Geun-hye, South Korea maintained peaceful relations with North Korea and China through the Northern Policy.
It's difficult to understand why the current approach seems to provoke unnecessary tensions by fostering competition between blocs. If these tensions do not merely remain as tensions but escalate into localized military conflicts, the economic power that South Korea has built up could collapse in an instant. The most terrifying consequence would be the sacrifice of citizens' lives.
As we can see from the wars between Israel and Hamas, and Ukraine and Russia, no one can maintain the joy of victory untainted by loss. The suffering of ordinary citizens continues to follow political leaders’ wrong choices, leading to widespread harm among the general public.
If South Korea could maintain cooperation with North Korea, China, and Russia while also sustaining the U.S.-Japan-South Korea consultative body, it would be the most ideal approach. However, it is disappointing that the professor emphasized only the trilateral consultative body without proposing such a simple solution.
Secondly, the professor asserted that the U.S.-South Korea relationship will remain strong in the future, claiming that even under the Trump administration, his aides indicated that there would be no change. Instead, he expressed concern that the Japan-South Korea relationship might deteriorate again.
However, Trump has consistently emphasized increased defense spending, driven by a strong merchant mindset under the banner of America First. Consequently, the EU is planning its own defense network in preparation for Trump. I found the professor's complacent statement that the U.S.-South Korea relationship is unproblematic to be quite shocking.
America's focus on its own interests is only going to intensify. Even within the Democratic Party, which tends to be more liberal, some are turning their backs on the Biden administration over issues like immigration and inflation. In such a situation, how can we be certain that the U.S.-South Korea relationship will remain intact when Trump's logic emphasizes why American soldiers should be sent to protect foreign nations with American money? What South Korea urgently needs is a strategy for how to respond if the U.S.-South Korea relationship were to deteriorate. This is also a concern for Japan.
On the other hand, the Japan-South Korea relationship has experienced repeated cycles of conflict, cooperation, and recovery over the years. Both the governments and citizens of South Korea and Japan have become somewhat accustomed to this dynamic. This is not an unprecedented situation. Japan even once imposed restrictions on core export items to South Korea. Yet, the two countries have continued to cooperate. As neighboring countries, they are necessary to each other, and therefore, even when relations are strained, it does not lead to situations that cause significant damage to both nations. Historical and territorial issues are not easy to resolve, which is why disputes between South Korea and Japan occur frequently, but so does cooperation.
Therefore, rather than focusing on the Japan-South Korea relationship, the government should think about how to manage the U.S.-South Korea relationship going forward. A true expert should be able to propose that, in the worst-case scenario of U.S. troops withdrawing from South Korea and Japan, Japan and South Korea should discuss how to respond together.(Q's hope)
