ポピュリズムだと主張する韓国メディア、庶民のための代案提示は可能なのか(Is it possible for the Korean media that claim to be populism to present alternatives for the common people?)

庶民のための政策に対して無条件反発し、ポピュリズムだと主張する韓国マスコミの報道態度に腹が立つ。 それでは苦しむ庶民のためのマスコミの代案はあるのか聞きたい。
大統領府の工事費、大企業法人税減税などに対しては一切批判がなかったマスコミが庶民のための法案に対しては批判を前面に出している。 マスコミの態度が権力側に立とうとする人間の欲が見えるようで残念な気持ちが残る。
コメは食糧主権という重要な武器になりうる。 厳しい農民のための税金投入が大企業法人税減税より重要なのか疑問だ。 大企業減税をしても青年雇用が増える確率は少ない。 すでに韓国の大企業はグローバル化し、海外事業に進出している。 むしろ青年たちの海外進出や創業、中小企業に対する支援を強化して働き口を確保した方がはるかに望ましい。
公共交通機関は庶民の足だ。 彼らの公共交通機関の利用は環境的にも貢献している. 高価な外車を乗り回して環境汚染と交通混雑を引き起こす人々よりは、公共交通機関を利用する大多数の庶民に半額交通費を支援するのがなぜポピュリズムなのか全く理解できない。 過去、生徒たちに無償給食を提供することもそのように反対したが、今はあまりにも当たり前のことになったのではないか。 庶民に実質的に役立つ政策を庶民は期待する。 それが政界、マスコミがすべきことだ。 野党はこのように政策を打ち出して庶民のためになっているのに、与党は庶民のために何の政策を打ち出しているのか。
65歳のすべての老人対象年金も先進国に向けた最も重要な要素だ。 一軒家を持っている老年層が収入なしに所有する住宅のために財産税など税金負担を抱えている。 また、家があるという理由で老齢年金の恩恵も受けられずにいる。 むしろ現役時代に着実に税金を納付し寄与した人々が年金恩恵を受けられないことがあってはならない。 老人になってから5万円という年金はとても役に立つ。
医師たちがソウルだけに集まる医療空白事態のためにも地方義務期間を置いた地方医大設立法案もやはり地方市民のための恩恵であり、弱者である労働者の自由な労働運動を防ぐことができる損害賠償請求を防ぐこともやはり弱者である労働者のための補完策だ。 もちろん無分別なストライキは絶対容認されてはならないが、大多数のストライキはやはり弱者である労働者に被害があったので起きる事態だ。
最近、企業の無分別な製品価格引き上げが強く疑われる。 インフレは米国の事態から分かるように重要な問題だ. このような点をマスコミは深層取材を通じて引き上げ要素が適当か検証する記事を通じて庶民を保護する姿などを期待する。 ひたすら企業と権力の側にだけ立つ言論ではなく、バランスの取れた報道態度を持った言論を期待する。(Qの希望)
I am angry at the Korean media's attitude to report that it is populism, protesting unconditionally against policies for the common people. Then, I would like to ask if there is an alternative to the media for the struggling ordinary people.
Recently, opposition parties are pushing for mandatory purchases to ease the burden on rice farmers, half-price transportation for public transportation users, pension plans for all senior citizens aged 65 or older, a local medical school bill, and a strike-damage law.
The media is strongly accusing it of populism.
The media, which has never criticized Cheong Wa Dae(Korea White House)'s construction costs and corporate tax cuts for large corporations, has been criticizing the bill for ordinary people. It is regrettable that the attitude of the media seems to show a human desire to be on the side of power.
Rice can be an important weapon of food sovereignty. It is questionable whether tax input for struggling farmers is more important than corporate tax cuts for large corporations. It is unlikely that youth jobs will increase just by cutting taxes on large companies. Korean conglomerates have already become globalized and are entering overseas businesses. Rather, it is much more desirable to secure jobs by strengthening support for young people's overseas expansion, start-ups, and SMEs.
Public transportation is the foot of the common people. Their use of public transportation is also contributing to the environment. It is hard to understand why it is populism to provide half-price transportation costs to the majority of ordinary people who use public transportation rather than those who drive expensive foreign cars and cause environmental pollution and traffic congestion. In the past, they opposed providing free school meals to students, but now it seems to have become a matter of course. The common people expect policies that actually help the common people. That is what politicians and the media should do. The opposition party has made such a policy for the common people, but what policy is the ruling party making for the citizens?
Pension for all 65-year-olds is also the most important and essential factor for developed countries. Older people who own a house are burdened with taxes such as property taxes due to houses owned without income. Also, they do not receive old-age pension benefits because they have a house. Rather, those who steadily paid taxes and contributed during their active years should not be denied pension benefits. A pension of 50,000 yen after becoming an old man is very helpful.
A bill to establish a local medical school with a local mandatory period is also a benefit for local citizens, and preventing claims for damages that can prevent the free labor movement of the underprivileged is also a supplement for the underprivileged. Of course, reckless strikes should never be tolerated, but most strikes are also caused by damage to the weak workers.
There is a strong suspicion that companies have recently raised product prices indiscriminately. Inflation is an important issue, as we can see from the situation in the United States. The media expects to protect the common people through articles verifying whether the factors of the price increase are appropriate through in-depth coverage. We expect a media with a balanced reporting attitude, not just on the side of companies and power.(Q's hope)
