
New Year Celebration in Myanmar

In Japan, the new year begins on January 1st. Most people go on holiday for a week and spend their time at home.

In Myanmar, on the other hand, the new year begins in the middle of April. The actual date changes each year, according to the lunisolar calendar. During this period, the Thingyan festival is taking place throughout Myanmar. It is a Buddhist festival also known as the “Water festival”, and the largest event for the Burmese people.

The festival is typically celebrated for 4 to 5 days. The highlight of this festival is splashing or spraying each other with water. On the street, people splash each other to pray for good wishes. In cities such as Yangon, and Mandalay, a big stage is set up during the festival and hundreds of people spray water with hoses.

Most people in Myanmar believe in Buddhism. During this Thingyan period, some devout Buddhists stay at the temple and spend a few days meditating to purify their minds. Some people, even women, shave their hair before going to the temple.

There are various traditional sugary treats that entertain children. Shwe Yin Aye; colorful jellies dipped in coconut milk, and Mote Lone Yay Paw; sticky rice balls with shredded coconut, are especially popular.

Compared to the Japanese new year, Myanmar’s new year is very active. It could be that the weather is warmer or that their culture of respecting one another is very strong, but regardless it seems like a lot of fun.
