
BBC 1分ニュース 6 October, 2022

Police in Thailand say at least 34 people including 22 children have been killed in a shooting incident at a preschool(幼稚園、保育園)in the North of the country.  The assailant (加害者)a recently dismissed police officer is reported to have killed himself and his family.


Multiple explosions have been heard in the Southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia.  The regional governor said rockets were aimed at residential buildings and has blamed Russia.

ウクライナ南部の都市ザポリージャで複数の爆発音が聞こえました。 州知事は、ロケット弾は住宅を狙ったものだとし、ロシアを非難しています。

More than 40 European leaders are gathering in Prague for the 1st meeting of a new political grouping.  Russia is not invited for the talks on energy, migration and security.  

40人以上の欧州の指導者が、新しい政治グループの第1回会合のためにプラハに集まっています。 エネルギー、移民、安全保障に関する協議にロシアは招待されていません。  

And the Greek Gas Guards say that at least 15 migrants have died after two boats sank in separate parts of the country's maritime waters(海域)Eight are said to be safe.

ギリシャのガス・ガードは、海域の別々の場所で2隻のボートが沈没し、少なくとも15人の移民が死亡したと発表しました。 8人は無事だそうです。


