
BBC One minute World News 06 March, 2023

A huge fire has ripped through(~を引き裂く、~を襲う)one of the Rohingya refugee camps in the southeast of Bangladesh.  The blaze(炎) in the Cox's Bazar district destroyed shelters housing 12,000 people.  No casualties have been reported so far.

バングラデシュ南東部にあるロヒンギャ難民キャンプの一つで大規模な火災が発生しました。コックス・バザール地区での炎は、12,000人が住む避難所を破壊しました。 これまでのところ、死傷者は出ていません。

There have been fierce clashes between Greek police and protesters who were
angry at last week's deadly train crash.  57 people are now known to have died when two trains collided near the city of Larissa.  The Prime Minister has asked for forgiveness.  It's the country's worst ever rail disaster.


And current and former Twitter staff say the company is no longer able to protect users from online abuse or exploitation.  One senior designer has told the BBC her entire team who worked to keep people safe had been sacked. Twitter hasn't responded to the claims.


