
Xin Jiang cotton Pt.1(From China's point of view)

China daily


Monday, March 29th 2021

Western brands unwise to be a cat’s paw

Airlines including Delta and American, and fashion retailer Zara have also got themselves into trouble for mistakenly referring to Taiwan as a country rather than a part of China.

Let us not forget that such global brands hire highly reputable and expensive public relations agencies to help them navigate the world of communication to reach their “message” to the general public.
So it is natural to assume that global brands would not make the foolish mistake of being seen as part of the treacherous Western propaganda campaign of accusing China of a host of supposed offenses including the genocide of Uygur minorities, and forced labor, forced abortion and forced sterilization in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of China.
Judging by the news of the boycott of H&M and Nike, however, it seems foreign brands may never be able to feel the pulse of Chinese consumers. For one, they don’t know that the Uygur population in Xinjiang has grown by 25 percent over the past 40 years, and the Uygur Muslim community has been thriving because of the preferential policies they enjoy. Such good news doesn’t stop those with ulterior motives to continue their efforts to smear and demonize all things Chinese.

Which brings us to last week’s H&M episode. Some H&M executives thought it would be a good idea to level false accusations against China, by issuing an “official” statement saying that while the company hugely benefits from pocketing Chinese consumers money, they definitely don’t trust the Chinese government’s statement that the Uygur cotton field workers in Xinjiang are not slave laborers. Perhaps H&M thought China was like the United States when black slaves were forced to work on cotton plantations.
先週のH&Mのエピソードに話を戻す。H&Mの幹部は「公式」の表明を出し、中国の間違っている報道を出した。中国人消費者により沢山の利益を得ている間、ウイグル族が新疆の綿花畑で強制労働をしていない、という中国政府の主張を信じないという。もしかして、H&M は黒人奴隷が綿花プランテーションで強制労働されていたアメリカと同じような状況に中国もあるのかと思ったのか。
The fact is, China is the world’s safest, most stable, successful and capable country. It has risen up to become a new world leader, and takes that responsibility seriously. It is also a country that will no longer suffer insults.
