


①はこちらからどうぞ !

・Full disclosure, [正直言うと / 実は]

・As 形/副 as SV, の譲歩表現

① As important as your praise is to me, [お褒めいただき光栄ですが、]


② As much as SV, [SはVするが、]

These questions of good and evil, as important as they are, have no place in a court of law.

・〜is overrated [たかが〜だ / 〜は重要じゃない]

She was a no-show at your Secret Santa party!
Christmas is overrated. [たかがクリスマスだよ。]
You're blind. [君盲目なんだろ?]
Yeah, well, sight is overrated. [あぁ、でも視力は重要じゃない。]

・A, nay, B [AどころかB]

Amy Santiago is one of the finest detective in my precinct, nay, the entire NYPD.

・not A so much as B [AというよりもむしろBだ]
=not so much A as B

It wasn’t something I read so much as told about.
※A=(something) I read / B=(something) told about

・would sooner do than do = would rather do than do

I would sooner surrender than go anywhere near your gooey body pipe.

・no better [that〜と対して変わらない/同類だ]

You think she's consumed with pettiness? You're no better (than her).

・whereの先行詞が "thing" のパターン

The thing where we try to get at-risk kids to become student snitches
※The thing=Junior police program seminar なので、"場所"のニュアンスがある。
I did this thing where I had each of us write down what percent out of 100 we thought that we would be the last people we would be together with.
※おそらくこのゲームをやっている光景とかの"situation"を指してthis thingとしているのでwhereの対象範囲に入っている。

・would rather〜が仮定法現在のパターン

I would rather it be silent. [静かな方がいい]
※I would rather it were/was silent. という2nd conditionalにすると、「"実際はsilentじゃないので"、silentな方がいい」という反実仮想のニュアンスになる。
So you would rather me* be some dude's mistress than be in a loving relationship with a woman?
※文法的に正確なのはおそらく ”…rather I be some dude's〜”
※仮定法現在にすることで、2nd conditionalのような反実仮想のニュアンスではなく、単純な仮定の話にすることができる。

・If memory serves me right, [確か / 私の記憶が正しければ]


・It doesn't stop me from -ing [それでもどうしても-ingしてしまうんだ]

But it doesn’t stop me from wishing I had brought him some sweatpants instead.

・do sth without meaning to [意図せずdoする]

I realize I’ve made some bad choices and hurt people that I love without meaning to. [これまで間違った選択をしてきたし、大切な人たちを意図せず傷つけた。]

・That’s the part where it gets to be my choice. 

・be on a 〜kick [〜に凝っている]

・Would you care to do? [doしてくれます?]
=Would you like to do?

(Would) you care to elaborate? 

・that which = what

The successor ideology is that which(=what) conceives of white supremacist that must be attacked on every front.



WHO chief says (that he) discussed collaboration on COVID origins with Chinese premier.
Kremlin says (that he) needed 'harsh' fake news law due to 'information war’.

・debate -ing [〜するか迷う / 〜したくないなぁと思う]

She debated going in, remembering the sticky floor. [ここの床はべとつくから入りたくないなぁと思ってる。]※ rememberingは分詞構文

・There's no rhyme or reason. [特に意味はない]

There's no rhyme or reason. I just did. [まぁ別に意味はないんだけどね。なんとなくそうしたの。]

・〜 is overkill. [〜はやりすぎだ]


・The more SV, the more SV [SがVするほどSはVする]

The more she is backed into a corner, the more Towako's mind wanders.

・without A knowing [Aに黙って / Aの預かり知らぬうちに]

