
The composer, Albert Roussel was born in トゥールコワン、ノール県 in
northern part of France in 1869.

He became a navy officer but was so much 
absorbed in music that he gave up being in Navy.

He studied music and learned composing. As was his career, his music style is also very unique.

蜘蛛の饗宴, which is originally a vallet music is based on Fable's 昆虫記, whose story  was written by ジルベールドヴァオザン.

In 1913, it was performed in テアトル デ ザール in Paris and had a great success.

When I was listening, the image of a spider came up to me.  I enjoyed imaging
 the scean in which a
butterfly was caught in its web.

It seems as if I really used 6 senses while listening.

It was a marvelous experience to me.
