I read an article on the Internet.

As for the content, it discussed how important the age of 29 or 30 is for women in Japan. It means that in the past, most Japanese women got married in their 20s. Also, some Japanese men who look for partners through marriage agencies require women in their 20s. Of course, it depends on the person, but some people believe a woman's age is the most important thing for men. Actually, the statistics are interesting to me. I just think about it because I currently have a lot of time!
I’m 29 years old now, and I’m also single. I’ve never had a strong desire to get married for no specific reason.
However, I sometimes talk about our age with my friends. From my perspective, some of my friends seem scared to turn 30. I think one of the causes of this worry is that time cannot be turned back, even if you make a big mistake or have great experiences. Time cannot be stopped, and people cannot control it.
Another reason is that many people and media, such as social media and TV, promote the idea that being young is good. Some women in their 40s and 50s around me have told me they want to return to their youth, and some influencers show how people can look younger or better looking. To be honest, I agree with taking care of your body and appearance, but being too concerned about it is not good. Sometimes I feel people are overly concerned. It’s just my opinion. For example, you can gain more confidence if you enhance your beauty. It’s a good way. However, I mean that the trend of excessive demands is not good. Especially in Japan, there is a culture that values conformity. I am interested in how this is viewed in other countries.
My English writing practice for today is done. I received the results of the IELTS test I took in Japan. Anyway, nothing special. I have to study harder.

The following is the revised version

As a content, It is very important to women their age is 29 or 30 in Japan.
→As for the content, it discussed how important the age of 29 or 30 is for women in Japan.

It means most of previous Japanese woman already got married during 20’s in the past.
→It means that in the past, most Japanese women got married in their 20s. 

Also, some Japanese men who look for a partner at marriage agency require 20’s woman.
→Also, some Japanese men who look for partners through marriage agencies require women in their 20s. 

Of course, It depends on the person but some people believe woman age is the one of the most important thing for men.
→Of course, it depends on the person, but some people believe a woman's age is the one of the most important thing for men.

Actually, tje statistical is interesting for me.
→Actually, the statistics are interesting to me. 

I just consider about it because I currently have many times!
→ I just think about it because I currently have a lot of time!

I’m 29 years old now and I’m also single. I never have an ideal about marry for no reason. 
→I’m 29 years old now, and I’m also single. I’ve never had a strong desire to get married for no specific reason.

However, I sometimes talk about our age with my friends. For my perspective, some my friends looks like scared to be 30 years old.
→However, I sometimes talk about our age with my friends. From my perspective, some of my friends seem scared to turn 30. 

I think that the one of the cause of worrying about it is time can’t be turned back even you make a big mistake and spend excellent time. Time cannot stop and people cannot handle time.
→I think one of the causes of this worry is that time cannot be turned back, even if you make a big mistake or have great experiences. Time cannot be stopped, and people cannot control it.

As other reason, many person and contents such as social media and TV provide younger is good things.
→Another reason is that many people and media, such as social media and TV, promote the idea that being young is good. 

Some 40 to 50’s woman around me said me they want to return to be youth and some distributors show how people look like younger or better looking.
→Some women in their 40s and 50s around me have told me they want to return to their youth, and some influencers show how people can look younger or better looking. 

To be honest, I agree taking care about own body and looking but to concern too much is not good. 
→To be honest, I agree with taking care of your body and appearance, but being too concerned about it is not good. 

Sometime I feel people are concerned too much. It’s only my opinion.
→Sometimes I feel people are overly concerned. It’s just my opinion. 

For example, you can get more confidence yourself if you enhance your beauty. It’s good way.
→For example, you can gain more confidence if you enhance your beauty. It’s a good way. 

I mean trend of request too much is not good. Especially, Japan have a culture that values conformity.
→However, I mean that the trend of excessive demands is not good. Especially in Japan, there is a culture that values conformity.

I have an interest about it in other countries.
→I am interested in how this is viewed in other countries.

My today’s practice of writing English is done. I received the result of IELTS taking in Japan. Anyway. Nothing special. I have to study harder.
→My English writing practice for today is done. I received the results of the IELTS test I took in Japan. Anyway, nothing special. I have to study harder.
