
Y ハッピーイエローの心理効果 - The psychological effects of Happy Yellow

English below.














あなたの日常にも YELLOW を取り入れてみてはいかがでしょうか。

#Yellow yellow happy ☺︎

以下、Chat GPT says...


  1. 元気と活力を与える: ハッピーイエローは活気に満ちた色であり、人々に元気や活力を与える効果があります。暗い気分や疲れたときにこの色を見ると、気持ちが明るくなり、エネルギーが湧いてくるとされています。

  2. 楽観的な気持ち: イエローは太陽の色としても知られており、太陽の光は人々に希望や楽観的な気持ちを与えます。そのため、ハッピーイエローは楽観的な気持ちを育む助けとなることがあります。

  3. 注意を引き付ける: 鮮やかで明るい色であるため、ハッピーイエローは人々の注意を引き付けるのに効果的です。広告や看板などで使われることが多く、視覚的なインパクトを与えることができます。

  4. 創造性を刺激: 明るい色は創造性を刺激する効果があります。ハッピーイエローは創造的なアイデアや新しい視点を生み出すのに役立つことがあります。

  5. 幸福感を高める: 見た目が明るく楽しい色であるため、ハッピーイエローは幸福感を高める効果があります。この色を身の回りに取り入れることで、ポジティブな気持ちや幸福感を感じることができるかもしれません。


✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The decision to choose yellow as the brand color stemmed from various factors. Yellow is a color that does not convey the boundaries between boys and girls, making it perfect for the giraffe icon.

Applying color psychology that suggests "seeing yellow makes one feel cheerful," I wanted the vibrant yellow color to immediately catch the eye of the recipient when they open the package and make them feel happy.

I obtained the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-certified AFT Color Advisor qualification when I was in high school. Since then, I've been fascinated by the psychological effects of colors.

Incidentally, according to a study published in the British Sunday Express, "eating yellow food for breakfast can make one feel happy throughout the day." It could be an omelet or simply flowers or items around you—it doesn't necessarily have to be food.

Therefore, every morning, I make sure my son eats a banana. A morning filled with yellow makes us happy! I dress him in yellow tops, make him wear yellow leggings, and put on a yellow raincoat. I also use yellow extensively as an accent color.

Yellow has been integrated into our daily life. I painted one entire wall of the dining kitchen in a happy color, so that yellow is inevitably in sight. We start our day in this dining area, eating bananas, dressing my son in yellow clothes, and thus, a yellow-happy day begins.

Why not incorporate YELLOW into your daily life as well? #Yellow yellow happy ☺︎

Happy Yellow is known as a bright and cheerful color. This color symbolizes positive energy and is believed to evoke bright and enjoyable feelings. Here are some psychological effects of this color:

  1. Gives energy and vitality: Happy Yellow is a vibrant color that gives people energy and vitality. When seen in moments of darkness or fatigue, this color can brighten up one's mood and bring forth energy.

  2. Encourages optimism: Yellow is also known as the color of the sun, which is associated with hope and optimism. Therefore, Happy Yellow can foster optimistic feelings.

  3. Attracts attention: Being a bright and vivid color, Happy Yellow is effective in capturing people's attention. It is often used in advertisements and signs to create a visual impact.

  4. Stimulates creativity: Bright colors like Happy Yellow can stimulate creativity. They can help generate creative ideas and new perspectives.

  5. Enhances happiness: Due to its bright and enjoyable appearance, Happy Yellow can enhance feelings of happiness. Incorporating this color into your surroundings may help you experience positive emotions and happiness.

However, individual perceptions of color effects can vary, and cultural influences can also play a role.
