L スキを見つけるまで - Until I find likes
English below.
「Q. 何をしても続かなかった理由は?」のつづき
スキを見つけるまで その①
アパレルメーカーでのWeb担当のお仕事は、毎日同僚たちと愉しくて、あのポジションは申し分のないほど comfy だった。
スキを見つけるまで その②
わたしの両親は、その箱の集合体を “サティアン” と呼んでいた。
その呼び名には幼いながら傷ついたけど、インテリで美術好きな彼らには、その時代を表現する不可解な ”真理” に映ったのだろう。
スキを見つけるまで その①とその②、
目が数字の③になるまで毎日毎晩「短命なベビー服から、息の長い服へ」改良に勤しんで、三日坊主を克服したのが 0123sies のデザイナーです。
#Life is short like baby clothing.
✂︎ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Q: Why couldn't I continue with anything?
Finding What You Love - Part 1
I returned from maternity leave exactly one year ago today, on Monday, June 12. Working as a web specialist for an apparel manufacturer was incredibly enjoyable, and the position was perfect for me.
Until I returned, I had thought I would continue making baby clothes as a side job, but once I started my main job again, I just couldn’t get into it at all. This completely shocked me.
Feeling dizzy, I weighed in my mind the use of my finite lifetime between a stable salaried life and the uncertainty of doing what I love. Once I found what I loved and felt my heart dance, the choice to leave my comfortable position awaited me.
After putting my son to bed, I cried. My colleagues had been looking forward to my return from maternity leave and had taken on extra work for me. I pictured the faces of the president and the directors who had patiently waited for me, and I sobbed uncontrollably out of guilt and helplessness.
Finding What You Love - Part 2
Looking back now, I’ve always been a child who loved creativity and ingenuity since elementary school. My favorite classes were crafts, woodworking, and art! (Quick, skillful, and cheap!)
One day, I noticed a collection of good-quality, large cardboard boxes at a nearby home improvement store. My best friend and I thought about what we could make with them and carried them into the tatami room (guest room) of my house, making dozens of trips. We built a single-story 1LDK + annex hideout. Doesn't the word “hideout” excite both children and adults? My parents called this assembly of boxes "Sathian." As a child, I was hurt by this name, but to my intelligent, art-loving parents, it probably seemed like an incomprehensible “truth” reflecting that era. As an adult now, it strangely doesn’t seem like a bad title.
That was in 1996 when I was ten years old. Let’s not ask how old I am now... GOKKUN.
I had found something I was passionate about long ago. You often hear that a person’s strengths are formed in childhood. That’s exactly what happened here!
Finding What You Love - Parts 1 and 2
Every day and night, I dedicated myself to improving my designs, moving from making short-lived baby clothes to creating long-lasting garments, and overcame my tendency to give up quickly. The person who conquered this challenge and became the designer of 0123sies is me.
Chat GPT says "Until I find likes", I'll keep exploring different activities and interests. Trying new things is always exciting and provides a great way to discover what truly resonates with me. Whether it's a new hobby, a different genre of music, or even a type of cuisine I've never tasted before, every experience helps me learn more about myself. I'm committed to keeping an open mind and embracing the journey of self-discovery.
I hope this can be a hint for you to find what you love.