Hideo Takeuchi, Ph.D.

Hideo Takeuchi, Ph.D.


Thanks a lot of viewing our YouTube video for explaining "What's semiconductor optics?": 多数のご視聴をありがとうございます

We are now broadcasting activities of our laboratory in the Osaka City University, through the YouTube.com. The COVID-19 issues change the style of introducing university campus in Japan. The total number of 144 accesses sounds good in spit

    • Introduction (in English)

      Hideo Takeuchi (M 2016) was born in Shiga, Japan, in 1973. He received the B.S. degree in Engineering from Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan in 1995, and the M.S. degree in Physics from Graduate School of Science, Osaka University in 1997

    Thanks a lot of viewing our YouTube video for explaining "What's semiconductor optics?": 多数のご視聴をありがとうございます