





福岡伸一「フレームシフト」 日本経済新聞,2024/1/14





We reasoned that +1 ribosomal frameshifting during recombinant antigen mRNA translation could lead to presentation of +1 frameshifted products to T cells, and elicit off-target cellular immune responses.
The main in-frame mRNA-encoded product is unlikely to elicit an adaptive immune response, but presentation of +1 frameshifted products could activate T cells that target host cells.

N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting











When I read the Nikkei Shimbun article titled "Frameshift” by Shinichi Fukuoka, I had many questions (Part 2)

Previously, I wrote this article following about Shinichi Fukuoka's article in the Nikkei Shimbun called "Frameshift."

This is the continuation of that.

A few days after Fukuoka's article was published, a notice of correction to the article appeared in the Nikkei Shimbun. That's the title photo. In the sentence below that I quoted last time, the part in bold was incorrect.

In fact, when we examined antibodies in people who received the mRNA vaccine, we found that some antibodies were produced against non-viral proteins, which are thought to have arisen as a result of frameshifting.

Shinichi Fukuoka “Frameshift” Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 2024/1/14

The correct sentence is below.

In fact, when we examined antibodies in people who received the mRNA vaccine, we found that the immune system's initial response was directed against non-viral proteins thought to be the result of frameshifting.

Correction of the above article

This seems to refer to this part of the original paper.

We reasoned that +1 ribosomal frameshifting during recombinant antigen mRNA translation could lead to presentation of +1 frameshifted products to T cells, and elicit off-target cellular immune responses.
The main in-frame mRNA-encoded product is unlikely to elicit an adaptive immune response, but presentation of +1 frameshifted products could activate T cells that target host cells.

N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting

It is unclear whether it was Mr. Fukuoka himself or someone else who noticed the mistake.

To err and not change one's ways, this is what it is to err.

Analects of Confucius

Confucius is right, but if Mr. Fukuoka was serious enough to say, "This is very important knowledge," he should have realized this before publishing the article.

Was this article reviewed by anyone before it was published?
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun publishes a science magazine called "Nikkei Science," but the editorial department of the Nikkei Shimbun may not have a reporter specializing in science.

Many biological terms appear in Fukuoka's article, including ribosome, mRNA, codon, frameshift, uridine, and methylation.

The biology textbook I studied in high school included ribosome and mRNA, but I didn't learn any other words.
The high school biology textbook published by Jikkyo Publishing in 2021 covers things like codons and frameshifts, but not uridine, methylation (By the way, current textbooks are quite difficult. You won't understand without an explanation. It's difficult for high school students who study biology subjects).

It's possible that other parts of what Mr. Fukuoka wrote are also inaccurate, but I can't confirm that because I don't understand the original paper.
In order to check the original paper for errors, you would need to have knowledge of biology beyond high school level.

Mr. Fukuoka says, "I want to try to explain the significance of the paper as much as possible, rather than relying on analogies" and "It's the logic of the details that is important".
But how many people can understand this article without any explanation of academic terminology?

Additionally, corrected articles are not necessarily read by everyone who read the original article. Mr. Fukuoka should try to publish correct articles from the beginning as much as possible, even with the help of others.
