




人形劇「河童 kappa」第一話 かっぱばし?

2022年7月24日の河童忌に向け、芥川龍之介の小説「河童」をラブリ〜にゆる~っと人形劇動画にしました。 🐸芥川龍之介「河童」(1927年)🐸 芥川最晩年の小説。あべこべでちぐはぐなkappaの世界をかわいらしく、クレイジーに描いていると見せかけて、ningenの当たり前風の社会・人生に無数のはてなマークをまきちらす。POPに絶望を歌いながら、この世を去った芥川龍之介に思いを馳せて命日を待ち望み、たのしくお祝いします。 河童忌は旧ずぶ邸にて人形劇します♪ これまでのあゆみをふりかえってみました👇 https://note.com/zubuchan/n/nc04357d5... @やかまし村の人形劇場 For July 24th Ryunosuke Akutagawa's death day called "KAPPAKI" , I made his novel "KAPPA" into a puppet play video lovely and easily. On that day, I will play a puppet show at ZUBU house in Osaka, Japan. KAPPA puppets are still in production. Don't miss it! 🐸Original : Ryunosuke Akutagawa “KAPPA”(1927)🐸 This is one of the later novel of Ryunosuke Akutagawa. He wrote the KAPPA world Inside out, back to front, pretty and crazy, threw a milion question marks all over the HUMAN world that had stereotyped manners, customs, and lives. He exited from this life singing despair lovely. I am looking forward to his death day, praising and celebrating his work and life happily. Screenplay, Puppet Production, Puppet Operation, Voice, Music: Misaki Yakamashi The perfomers: I / Enrique KAPPA(blue) / Bag ★You can view subtitles(Japanese or English) from the settings★