
【古い投稿】 Zero-Zero株式会社 設立


【お知らせ / Zero-Zero株式会社 設立】

私ごとで大変恐縮ですが、2022年1月11日に「Zero-Zero株式会社」を設立いたしました。 (1年以上前の投稿となります🙇)




代表取締役 假屋 祐貴

- MISSION STATEMENT - 「挑戦と国境の先にある未来」
学生アスリートの可能性を最大限に引き出すための機会やプラットフォームを提供し、学問・スポーツ・ 文化など、様々なシーンでの挑戦をサポートし、グローバル社会に貢献できる、学生アスリートの育成を目指します。

I am pleased to announce that, as of January 11th, I have officially established my company, Zero-Zero Inc.

First of all, I want to thank Naoki Imaya, whom I had the pleasure of working with for over six years, and now a partnered advisor for Zero-Zero US sports/study program. He has helped me learn about myself and grow professionally during those six years. I am humbled and grateful that we’ll be working together as business partners.

A huge thanks to everyone that supported me to get here. I am excited to connect with new people in and outside of the soccer / football industry and looking forward to growing this business venture further.

- MISSION STATEMENT - “Discover Your Possibilities Beyond Borders”
To equip and accelerate student-athletes that can contribute to a globalized society. We empower student-athletes by offering opportunities and platforms that are academically, athletically, and culturally challenging to maximize their full potential.
