
英検1級 ライティング問題



■Can security cameras be justified in any public place?

From the past decades, security cameras have contributed a lot to capturing criminals, However some people claim that it violates human rights for watching monitoring people in public space. I think that security cameras can be justified in public places since they have the proper purpose.

First like I said, security cameras have contributed to arresting criminals, and it is also one of evidence that cameras cannot be denied in court. The technology has improved a lot, so security cameras can even detect people with suspicious actions. Moreover, it can be useful to chase down criminals from the car number. Though some people criticize this, it is still needed in any case.

The second reason is that security cameras are only placed in public places, not in personal spaces like bathrooms. I don't think it will bother you unless you have done anything guilty. You are not even supposed to do something you will be ashamed of in public in the first place.

The third reason is that in recent years, the price of these types of cameras is decreasing and the size is becoming much smaller. So it is portable and also hard to notice for criminals to find. Security cameras will be a deterrent for thieves even though they still can get into your house. It is better than nothing.

From all reasons I stated above, I think that security cameras can be justified in any public place.
