
陶器師と粘土・The Potter & the clay

"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

This verse was the beginning of my journey of rediscovering who God is. One morning, I was so tired of the 2.5 hours commute on the trains from my home to my university, and I just had to sit and ask God for strength. It was raining, too, and just imagine being squeezed into a wet, smelly train... I was pretty frustrated. I asked God "Please fill my heart with your true joy, and give me a truly thankful heart.". It was a simple prayer, but the Holy Spirit heard me. 



I opened a Bible app on my phone (it was just a random Bible app that I've downloaded a long time ago), and the verse of the day was the one written above- Isaiah 64:8. "Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." I wasn't sure how God was going to strengthen me through this word since there were no evident phrases like "I will give you strength" or "I will renew you". Yet, the Holy Spirit was gracious and merciful that He opened my heart to see who God is from this verse, and the knowledge of God truly became my strength. 


WHO IS GOD?- We are told from this verse that God is our Lord, Father, and Potter. Even by this one verse, we are able to learn about three characteristics of God. That's pretty cool, right? Each scripture of the Bible is so rich, and it's just amazing to realize that God has given us the mind to really ponder and chew on the Word of God. But who is God? 

神様ってどんな方?ー 私たちはこの聖書の一節から、神様は私たちの主陶器師であるということがわかります。この一つの説からでも、神様の3つの姿がわかるって、結構すごいでしょ?聖書の中の言葉は一つひとつがとても濃くて、神様が私たちに聖書の言葉について考える頭を与えてくださったことが本当に面白いなと思います。ところで、神様って誰なんでしょう?

God is our Lord. A "lord" is someone who governs with authority. It's someone we obey and lift up in reverence. God is the only one worthy of our worship. There are many things that easily take over the throne in my heart, that I spend hours and hours thinking about. It might be about my worries, jealousy, romantic interest, etc. When I spend hours thinking about these things, I'm basically worshipping these things-  these thoughts have become my lord. This verse declares and reminds us that God is our Lord, who alone is worthy of our worship. I need to constantly remind myself and tell myself- that Jesus is my Lord; I am His, and He is mine. He has declared my identity in Him before I even knew Him. 


God is our Father. A father who loves us in a love that surpasses all sin, guilt, shame. Once my father had shown me a glimpse of who my heavenly Father is like- what the Father's love is like. During the first two years of college, I had basically done everything that would shock my parents and make then sad. I knew I wasn't just making them sad and lose faith in me, but I was also making Jesus sad as well. I tried to shun the Holy Spirit and ignore His voice, which I pretended not to notice. All my life choices were made according to what I thought would make me a "cool" girl among my college friends, while also trying to present myself as a "good Christian girl" who serves in ministries. I would serve at church while giving my heart and body to boys, drinking, and late-night work shifts... I was a mess. I started dating a cute non-believer boy and ended up... well, you know. 


I was both the prodigal son and the older brother. When my father found out that I had slept with my boyfriend, I thought he will reject me. I was so scared, so afraid of what he would think of me after I had let him down so much and hurt his feelings, reputation, and his heart. I expected him to not talk to me, ignore me, and live as if I hadn't existed, but I was wrong. My father came to my room, sat by my side, and held my hand. He told me, 

"I am not angry, I love you, but God loves you more and he is going to heal you." 

My father didn't say anything else- he just hugged me tight and prayed for me. I prayed with him. This moment, all of the guilt and shame I had carried were lifted from my heart, and I knew that God was going to heal me, my heart, and my soul. This truth was the gospel - the good news- the promise of new life and hope. God's love is like a father's love, and the Father's love surpasses all sin, guilt, and shame. 




God is the Potter. Now let's think about what kind of person a "potter" is.  [creative, professional, skilled, artistic, etc,]. And how does a potter create his works? [thinks of the idea, designs, measures ingredients, adds water, combines, kneads, shapes, and dries]. 


God is creative, and he is so good at what he does. He is perfect at what he does- "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." (Genesis 1:31). He designs each one of us with different gifts, appearances, and characteristics and he loves us. He loves and cares for each of his creations. He doesn't need us but created us anyway, and had given us one purpose in life- to enjoy and worship Him. The passage from Isaiah, "Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8) tells not only that God is the Potter, but also that we are the "clay".

神様はとても想像力豊かな、クリエイティブな方で、ご自身がすること全てにおいてとても上手です。「神が造ったすべての物を見られたところ、それは、とても良かった。」(創世記1:31) 神様は私たち一人ひとりを異なった賜物、見た目や性格に作られて愛されました。神様はご自分が作った全てのものを愛して気がけてくれています。神様は特に私たちを必要としていたわけではないけど、それでも私たちを作ってくださって、一つの生きる理由をくださいました。それは神様を喜び礼拝することです。このイザヤの箇所「しかし、主よ。今、あなたは私たちの父です。私たちは粘土で、あなたは私たちの陶器師です。私たちはみな、あなたの手で作られたものです。」(イザヤ書64:8)は神様が陶器師であること、そして私たちが粘土であるとも言っています。

What is the "clay"? Clay is basically made of dirt and water. God, the Potter, didn't choose a beautiful piece of wood or shining jewels to create us. He chose to use dirt and water and decided himself to participate in the dirty and time-consuming process. Why would he even do that? Because he enjoys us. Our God, the Potter, enjoys us and loves to spend time with us; He loves us through the whole process by which we are created and shaped into His own image. This love is something beyond our imagination. God pours his grace on us like water for us to absorb and form into the clay. God's grace is enough; it's perfectly proportional in measurement; it's not too much or too less. It builds the perfect clay consistency. God then, kneads us into his desired shape without rushing. He doesn't use a machine to knead us, nor does he simultaneously produce duplicates of us at the same time. The Potter uses his hand to knead us, each one of us, one by one with all of his love and attention.


But oftentimes we reject Him. Sometimes we are tired of the kneading process and want a shortcut to the finished self. We tell God that we have a better idea (the ideal-self) and that we don't need him anymore. For me, my ideal self was a joyful Jesus-loving and musically talented woman. I worked hard in my own strength to become this person which I thought was the ultimate "me". This ideal-self image wasn't bad, but I realized that God had a better and greater idea... that I don't even know about. When we reject God, we tend to try and do things on our own and not by the hands of God- and we start drying up. Then crack. Then crumble into chunks of dry clay. But God is merciful, the Potter pours out his grace over us again and again. He breaks the dried chunks into small pieces again and pours out upon us His grace, then starts the same process again in his love. 


"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)「しかし、主よ。今、あなたは私たちの父です。私たちは粘土で、あなたは私たちの陶器師です。私たちはみな、あなたの手で作られたものです。」(イザヤ書64:8)

God is our Lord, our Father, and the Potter. We are His clay and the work of His hand. God's hands are not afraid to touch us, nor is he afraid of our sinfulness. God became man himself, to live among us and to touch us in our deepest, dirtiest, grossest places so that we could be healed completely. Jesus' holiness is given to us, through His life, death, and resurrection. God continues to knead us today, and all we can do is to relax and surrender to Him, enjoy His intimate love, and let Him shape us into His desired image. How awesome is that ?

