yuri martyren

yuri martyren


ban gender transitioning and circumcision

ban the fucking custom and forms of circumcision we dont want peoples private area and system mutilated ,altered and damaged we dont need it to live and excits people must respect two genders exist woman and man ban gender transitioning we

    • jalousie

      ja - lou - sie hide behind window jealous of what you see you hide behind lies because you cant be like them behind the window we see truth away from window we decived by lies jalousie of what you wish could be but aint jalousie jalousie j

      • fuck consumer capitalism

        fuck their business and marketing system brainwashing us dont support their shit thats useless fuck consumer capitlaism they only want our money they dont care about you they only care about capital not humans they market to deceive and mor

        • we dont need corporate mfkrs/whores and classists!

          we dont fucking need corporate mfkrs and whores and classists they fascists too.. too we dont need their biased divisionist views no we dont need their fakeness and faddism and trendie shit shit we dont need to be like them to live life we

        ban gender transitioning and circumcision

          the capitalists formula

          attention faddism clout capitalism fall in line trendies journalism marketing consumerism fakeness welcome to capitlaist culture and the capitalists formula Formula of fake people who need to be certain way for clout and attention and journ

          the capitalists formula

          fuck ableist

          fuck fuck ableist and their discriminatory views on people with disabilities nothing good or right is seen through their eyes they see negative and not and issue when faced with peoples disabilities showing they treat them like shit or dont

          we need borders and security

          we need borders to know who comes in and out of country and register people who enter or exit we also care peoples lives we want people enter our country legally not illegally we want people to properly enter america not illegally we need b

          we need borders and security

          we need govt

          we need a govt because without it be chaos and anarchy vote for people we know do the job for country we need a peoples govt a republic not a democracy avoid the post communism views of socialist,democrats,liberals choose right wing we need

          respect us stars and stripes

          respect and salute to the stars and stripes hail the flag dont burn it soldiers die in battles so out country can have rights and liberties and freedoms we have respect the red stripes and blue and white stars flag. respect the stars and s

          respect us stars and stripes

          darkside within me

          my dark side with in me wants to come out and break on days i feel misery my dark side unleashes like a monster you cant stop me yeah sticks and stones may break bones but not me i am your guardian you cant bend or break me my evil side o

          darkside within me

          The betrayal lost friends

          Never did I expect the end of us Nobody can be like all 3 of us But flashforward to present I'm fine alone Sylvia was my friend and fuck Issac shit Now enemies .. He was always on drugs and deceit done to me talking to my friend whe

          The betrayal lost friends

          Prisoners voyage

          I am not free I'm like a slave no mercy the enemy created my life catacomb and I deal words tyranny and fascism even outside chaos I am laughed and scoffed some days as a prisoner I wish had key to live my life n9t be a prisoner Get drunk

          Feel no sorrow don't succumb in sorrow

          Feel no shame or sorrow I don't feel anything no more I have thick skin cold blood I have thick skin no shame I say things how the are no pain no regrets I mean it I feel no pain no sorrow I don't don't don't succumb don't succumb don't suc

          Feel no sorrow don't succumb in sorrow

          Yellow journalism = propaganda

          They don't know shit about me Shut up and listen to me this yellow journalism cycle you must learn to listen to me not lies not any 3rd parties and others This is truth exposing the yellow journalism the propa propa propaganda everywhere

          Yellow journalism = propaganda

          Soliloquy of memories of lost love

          In these memories their is soliloquy of lost love Love stories wish should be of me and you Far but close But we must live present leave past behind These soliloquy of memories Burn past memories erase mind past live in present Don

          Soliloquy of memories of lost love

          Anthem of the anti classist revolution

          They don't care about us the enemies are seeking war And blood shed in battlefield they have such animosity against us it's only way to wiñ for them destruction It's time for revolution and anthem of the anti classist revolution asthe en

          Anthem of the anti classist revolution