


a bit crazed from all the cramming, it felt really nice walking outside in the sunlight. I wandered the block around the library. There are nice looking cafes and restaurants, surprisingly a lot of them actually, full of office workers dressed smartly. I didn't want to go back to the library. I wanted to float about in the streets, just like all the people seemed to be doing. But my feet carried me back to the old, cream coloured stone walls, passing middle-aged men in work-attire, enjoying glasses of dark beer. Apparently, it wasn't just me that felt like escaping the reality of exam season. A good number of students were scattered around, having lunch and a cigarette under the shades of trees in the courtyard or basking under the bright sunlight. They looked so carefree as if they were on a beach in a Mediterranean county. Chatting about with their friends. So relaxed. I did envy them but also wondered how they are managing their study.  That was one of the weaknesses of mine. I was never able to put work and play in one day schedule. whether I sit down and study for all day and repeat it for 3 weeks or so, or not studying at all. Or was I not? Did I not really study? 

The bothering thing is that I would lose the memory of a period of time. I can't recall anything from that time. I felt like I did study, but I cannot say for sure. I just feel ambiguous anxiety that I wasn't doing enough without actual evidence backing up my suspicion.  
