

その感覚の一つで、誰かがお母さんらしき人とかお父さんらしき人に "靴" を意味して、



今でも自分の事がよく分からないんですけど笑、この時も自分から言ったクセに、何となくこの甘えてる自分に対して、”何甘えとんねん” みたいな感覚になって笑、意外とそんなに嬉しくなかったんです笑。


Something like wanting to be spoiled
2 . I am 2 years old. At the time, I knew my age. It might be because my mom started to go out with me started to walk and many people had told me about my age comparing with their babies. So I was interested in how parents treat their kids, I was watchinghow parents treat their kids.
When I saw parents talking to their baby with love, I always wanted my parents do as well to me(they did and they do in their way of course).

I had remembered that someone was telling to his kids “let’s wear kukku(“kutsu”means shoes in Japanese)” , and I could feel that he spoiled the kid with saying it.

At the day, my family was going out. My older brother went out first, mom wore her shoes smoothly, and my dad was helping me wearing my red velcro shoes and said
“Let’s wear kutsu”

I felt that he didn’t spoiled me(of course he did tho lol), I wanted him do, and I said
“Kukku”(actually I could say “kutsu” I think.).
And he said
“Yeah, you’r wearing kukku”.

I don’t understand myself even now lol, this time as well, I made him to say “kukku” but I was like “what am I doing”, I was not so happy as I expected lol. I felt awkward for acting something not me and he accepted it. I did it for what? Lol

We can’t understand even ourselves , so let’s give up to understand your kids, all you parents lol.
