
ベター・コール・ソウル シーズン1 第4話『ヒーロー』: I’ll roundhouse kick you right in your heads


・I’ll roundhouse kick you right in your heads
・I got dibs on that watch
got dibs on something: 一番先に頂く(?) 探している中で「have dibs on something : to have the first right to use something, before anyone else」といった説明がありました
・They already rounded up some poor suspect
round up: arrest, 逮捕する
・Because of teensy mistake
tiny, 些細な、小さな
・You went on an impromptus camping trip
done without being planned, 準備なし、即興で
・This is right up there with that
be right up there with something: ~と同じくらいトップクラス、~に引けをとらない
・I can take a retainer
・It’s slick and it’s chock-full of layers
slick: 巧みな、熟練の   
chock-full: filled to overflowing ぎっしり詰まっている
・That would make us square
make us square: 貸し借りなし
・I’d cut the cute attitude
it thinks that the person is acting cute to trick others
・Is this a cease and desist
・You’re better than that schmuck Hamlin
・Guns blazing
With guns blazing: do it with a lot of energy, 全力でやる
・I am merely trying to plot my trade
・Wise up
become alert or be aware of, 気づく
That’s why this action is so egregious: outstandingly bad
・I scrimped and saved
scrimp: 切り詰める
・A tiny foray into advertising for my fledgling law firm
foray: a sudden attack fledging: 駆け出し、巣立つ
・It just took some elbow grease and clean living
strenuous physical effort
・You think it will tide you over
tide A over B: AにBを乗り切らせる


