





What you think as a college teacher.

I'll post it after a long time. As the second semester approachesthe end, students are finally becoming aware of the word "graduation." I became a college  teacher in April of last year, and nobody knows in an unfamiliar land, and the days of struggling with students every day are coming to a break. Looking back, there were many things that were in line with what I imagined before becoming a college teacher, and a lot of unexpected things. But now I am starting to wonder if I like this job. Many readers of this article may be reading in hopes of knowing how to become a college teacher.  (It doesn't really have that many readers ...)  However, while feeling guilty of continuing to betray that expectation, I want to express my desire to spell out changes in my mind as a teacher. I don't know why it feels like that, but maybe you want to tell everyone that your life is wonderful and fulfilling as a teacher rather than know-how.

 However, the research part is left alone. I always have my research theme in mind, but every day I repeat myself asking if this research topic is really important. And recently, I'm thinking about abandoning that research theme. It's quite courageous to throw away what you have accumulated so far. Even better, if you've been given a reputation for that, you'll have the courage to throw it away. 

  I abandoned my previous career when I became a college teacher.  I was only worried when I abandoned it, but when I saw myself living in this way, I realized that if I abandon it, people could still live. And once you have an experience of throwing everything away, your anxiety about throwing it away will decrease. I don't run out of anxiety, but I feel like I'm prepared to do something in the end. 

 I'm trying to finish this article without writing any know-how this time, but I would be grateful if you could stay patient until the day of writing a know-how article to become a teacher. I am an Associate Professor who is free today.

