
Dream supporter & Dream killer

「Dream supporter & Dream killer」
※English available bottom of the page.


Dream killer(良版):あなたの「夢」に対して積極的には推し進めないけど、あなたの事は考えてくれる群です。例えば、家族や、仲の良い友人、職場の飲み仲間で”ちょっと考えたほうがいいんじゃない?”とか”やめた方が良いんじゃない?”とか。

Dream killer(悪版):あなたの事を全く考えないで「夢」を直接的または間接的に潰す群です。例えば、良くない上司、良くない職場の仲間や、悪習慣のある人間関係など。いわゆる、あなたの足を引っ張るのを好む人間達です。「夢」があるなら、思い切って環境を変えましょう。

Dream supporter:あなたの「夢」にブレがなければ、とにかくとことん応援してくれる群です。希少です、多くはいません、が確実に存在します。その人(人達)をとにかく大切に。夢は一人では叶えずらいです!頼るなら本物のDream supporterに!

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us - 我々は締まり切った扉を見続ける傾向があるが、我々のために常に開いている扉もある"

あなた、またはあなたの周りの方が「夢」を語るなら、夢は語るだけでなく、叶えるべきです。その時に、あなたがDreamerまたはDream supporterになりたいものですね!


If you or person around you might have a dream, a mission, or something to achieve BIG! If you want to achieve it, it’s extremely important to have people to support you, you can’t achieve alone.

Dream killer (good version):People who do not push your back to go for, but nothing harm you. You may see such people like family, friends, and whoever you hang out with saying "It’s important to chaise your dream but see your life situation first?” Or “Maybe there are better way to settle your life?”

Dream killer (bad version):People who loves to pull your legs, really harm what you want to accomplish. Like...your selfish boss, your friends who have negative thought or bad habit, or whoever is jealous of you. Stay away, or turn your back strong, saying “I don’t need you in my life!”

Dream supporter:Not a lot, but there are exist who really support your back IF you commit to yourself to achieve what you really really REALLY want. So speak up and ask for a help from such people! But first, commit your dream!

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us”

If you or your-mate wants to accomplish what you/he/she wants, don’t just say, do it! Dream is not for talking, it should come true. Good luck, and I can be your supporter.

