
Top 3 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight

Have you ever been able to lose weight successfully? 

When I was a kid, I didn't gain any weight no matter what I ate or did, and now as an adult, I'm just living a normal life, but I am getting fatter...
I stay home too much, and my tummy is getting bigger.
I've tried on a diet many times, but I have never achieved losing weight.
I want to lose weight by the next summer.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to my top 3 easy to follow habits that can help you lose weight. 

I have finally got these great habits after decades of me trying to lose weight with no effect. 

I lost about 10 kilos in about two years by making these habits.

It's not a hard one at all, so I think anyone can easily follow them for a long run.

Before I get to the points, please follow or subscribe me on YouTube channel as I'll be giving out more and more useful information. 

Also, I am running a challenge to have more than 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel by 2021. If I cannot achieve it, I just have to say goodbye and the channel will be ended. Currently, I have only 50 subscribers so please help me to subscribe me so that I can continue writing and being a YouTuber.

Well, for now,  let's get down to the business!

3 habits that can help you lose weight number 3 is to

Eat only between 12 PM and 8 PM

If you're going through your normal life and getting chubby, you're simply getting more calories than you're using daily. 

Skip your breakfast.

I often hear people say you shouldn't eat after 8:00 PM, but the habit I recommend you is to skip breakfast and eat only between noon and evening. It is also called "half-day fasting".

By skipping breakfast, you will be hungry before lunch.

That is what I want you to feel.

Do you remember on your good old days when you are little? Do you remember you were very hungry before each meal, especially after swimming or sports classes?

When our stomachs are physically empty, we burn our fat and convert it into energy. 
Hungry = Losing weight.

The human body has been designed to be very active for hunting outside for thousands of years, but only in the last few hundred years, we started to stay inside more and stopped moving much. In the result, we started getting fatter and fatter. 

It's fine to eat two meals a day. Humans have only recently started eating three meals a day.

Thomas Edison's sales pitch for the toaster he invented was, "Eat three meals a day, and you'll be smarter" so three meals a day became the norm and we all started gaining weight.

It might be hard at first for a week or so to get used to it, but once you get used to it, it's fairly easy.

Many people would think it is too hungry to concentrate to do something.

That's not true, on the contrary, it awakens the brain.

It is said that the brain is more pleased with the sugar made by burning fat than sugar comes in from outside. 

And if you eat when you're hungry, everything tastes ten times better. Even just a simple bread is delicious. I've found that eating bread when you're extremely hungry is much more delicious than having fancy food at a luxurious restaurant.

It's been a few years since I started this habit, and it's helped me improve my performance at work as well. It's a great way to save money on breakfast and make your food taste better. "It's killing four birds with one stone" Why not?

As a side note, I eat breakfast before an important presentation or meeting often. That way, I can give it about 200% of my power to the event. The happy hormones take over, so I can naturally smile more often, and I feel my brain performs much better.

Now back to the business. 3 habits that can help you lose weight number 2 is to

Set a goal and get on the scale every day

First, set a realistic goal of how many kilos you want to lose. Then, every day at a certain time, step on the scale and record it.

Is that all? That is too easy, is not it? But...

It is the most important thing you need to do to keep any habit of going for a long run.

All you have to do is to set a goal and get on the scale and look at the numbers every day, and you will lose more and more weight.

The reason is when you see the numbers every day, the hormone dopamine in your brain is boosted, and when you see the good results. It releases the happy hormone to make you feel happy, and you desire more to be happier, so it motivates you to do more hard work automatically.

It's not only about losing weight habits but also a lot of dopamine is released when you achieve any small goals as well, so a lot of smaller goals are better than a few big ones. Achieving lots of small goals is the key to make yourself a happy person.

Try to lose 1 kilo per month instead of trying to lose 10 kilos per year then your dopamine will be boosted more.

As a side note, it's important to look at the numbers often, not only for your losing weight but also for those who want to get rich. It's been said that the more frequently you check how much money you have in your assets, the more money you'll accumulate.


Now, Uzi's top 1 recommended losing weight habit is

Consume only the amount of sugar you exercised for

I think you'll have the good result by following the last two habits I introduced, but if you can still afford it, try this number 1 habit as well. It works best in my experience.

The basic things that make you fat are sugar, fat, oil and carbo, but I think sugar is the worst. It's addictive like alcohol or illegal drugs, and it will make your blood sugar go up too fast when you take it so it can make you mentally unstable afterwards and often it cause you to lose focus and get frustrated for no reason.

However, I still can't avoid living a life without sweets. I know you cannot do that either. 

I only eat a small amount of sweet at 3 PM every day, but the amount is determined by how much I have exercised that day.

Normally I eat a couple of pieces of Tim-Tam, but when I work hard, I get about four, and when I work really really hard, I drink a caramel macchiato from Starbucks as the reward.

As you act out that you can consume sugar after you've worked so hard for, your subconscious mind will naturally try to work harder so that you will feel it is fun to stay on track with the losing weight habits.

So, today, I hope you have enjoyed my top 3 recommended losing weight habits.

Action plans from today's topic are 
1. Do half-day fasting.
2. Check your weight daily.
3. Take sugar as a reward for your exercise

Making good habits is the shortest way to achieve your goal. There is no way around.  You just need to create good habits that can lead you to achieve your any goals and keep doing them daily. Once you get used to, you will improve your self automatically without thinking.  It does not have to be 100% right. Take your rest sometimes and give yourself some rewards from time to time if you are doing good enough. Sooner or later you will be where you wanted to be with more confidence.

Making a good habit is the only way to achieve losing weight. Hopefully, you will start losing weight by doing my recommended habits.

Thank you for staying with me till the end of the topic. I'm going to introduce more and more useful information including some tips to lose weight, so please hit the subscribe button.

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My Motto: "Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!"

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life-hacks regularly that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.


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▶YouTube:  youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Twitter: twitter.com/yahmane
▶Note: note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/

座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

#losingWeight , #diet , #Habits , #HalfdayFasting , #WeightLoss
