
Reason Why You Always Have Your Gloomy Mind and How To Clear the Dark Thoughts!

Today, I'd like to share with you a reason why you feel gloomy even when you don't have worries or depression, and some simple tips to help you resolve them.

Please stay with me at the end of the topic and hit the like button if you think it is right. 

It's not that you have any worries or depressions, but your mind is gloomy.
you can't get excited even when you're playing.

Everything is too much of a hassle for you to concentrate.

This is a common cause when you feel somehow foggy and unmotivated in your head.

It is because...

You've got a lot of unfinished tasks.

Things you thought you have to do but haven't done.

For example...
- Homework
- Dentist
- Promises with your friend
- Cleaning your room

The head may forget what is unfinished, but the heart has not forgotten.

Those unfinished tasks have been stuck somewhere in my mind.

In psychology, this is called the Zeigarnik effect.

If you run a lot of applications/software on a computer, it will slow down.

Too much-uncompleted tasks can make your head spin slower.

That's why You can't clear my mind. You don't have much motivation.

The solution is simple...

1. Make a "to-do list".
2. Finish them one at a time.


When you're done with everything, your gloomy mind clears up.

I think you will come back to yourself full of motivation.

Today, I shared that the reason you're feeling gloomy could be due to a task you've left undone and that you can fix it by making a to-do list and then finishing it up one by one.

If you hit the like button, you can clear up Uzi's gloomy mind too. 

Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a Japanese software developer who works for the government sector. I study every day while receiving advice from my seniors in the business. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, IT, Business, Marketing, Trade, Money, Brain science and English.

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yahmane
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
My Motto: “Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!”

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not very really good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life hacks on a regular basis that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.


海外の政府機関でITエンジニアをしながら起業の準備をしています。 ビジネスの先輩たちにアドバイスをもらいながら日々勉強しています。 未来・AI人工知能・IT・ビジネス・マーケティング・トレード・お金・海外生活・起業・営業・脳科学・英語などに興味があり、Indexファンドや為替通貨を中心に資産運用をしています。


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
親ばかチャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6cZIri69gGWf6NROOk-2OA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yahmane

座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。
