
Hi I’m Yudin. I would like to share my expe…


Hi I’m Yudin. I would like to share my experiene here.Please check it and forgive my terrible English.


My memory of study abroad in Baguio #2

About a first few weeks I want to go back to Japan for a few first weeks. Because,I was home sick. Actually, I can’t study English enough before studying abr…


My memory of study abroad in Baguio #1

Uni life before study abroad Before study aboroad , I was writing graduation thesis about insect food. When I was junior, I was interested in incect food. I r…

My memory of study abroad in Baguio #2

My memory of study abroad in Baguio #2

About a first few weeks

I want to go back to Japan for a few first weeks. Because,I was home sick. Actually, I can’t study English enough before studying abroad. Read Episode 1 for details. That’s wh

My memory of study abroad in Baguio #1

My memory of study abroad in Baguio #1

Uni life before study abroad

Before study aboroad , I was writing graduation thesis about insect food. When I was junior, I was interested in incect food. I received an award for excellence in the S
