


雨ニモマケズ Strong in the rain
風ニモマケズ    Strong in the wind
雪ニモ夏ノ暑サニモマケヌ   Strong against the summer heat and snow
丈夫ナカラダヲモチ    He is healthy and robust
慾ハナク   Free from all desire
決シテイカラズ   He never loses his generous spirit
イツモシズカニワラッテヰル   Nor the quite smile on his lips
一日ニ玄米四合ト   He eats four go of unpolished rice
味噌ト少シノ野菜ヲタベ   Miso and a few vegetables a day
アラユルコトヲ   He does not consider himself
ジブンヲカンヂャウニ入レズニ   In whatever occurs…his understanding
ヨクミキキシワカリ    Comes from observation and experience
ソシテワスレズ   And he never loses sight of things
野原ノ松ノ林ノ蔭ノ    He lives in a little thatched-roof hut
小サナ茅ブキノ小屋ニヰテ   In a field in the shadows of a pine tree grove 
東ニ病気ノコドモアレバ   If there is a sick child in the east
行ッテ看病シテヤリ   He goes there to nurse the child
西ニツカレタ母アレバ   If there's a tired mother in the west
行ッテソノ稲の束ヲ負ヒ   He goes to her and carries her sheaves
南ニ死ニサウナ人アレバ   If someone is near death in the south
行ッテコハガラナクテモイイトイヒ   He goes and says, “Don't be afraid”
北ニケンクヮヤソショウガアレバ   If there's strife and lawsuits in the north
ツマラナイカラヤメロトイヒ   He demands that the people put an end  to their pettiness
ヒデリノトキハナミダヲナガシ   He weeps at the time of drought
サムサノナツハオロオロアルキ   He plods about at a loss during the cold summer
ミンナニデクノボートヨバレ   Everyone calls him “Blockhead”
ホメラレモセズ   No one sings his praises
クニモサレズ    Or takes him to heart…

サウイフモノニ    That is the sort of person
ワタシハナリタイ    I want to be
