


After Wong was imprisoned, Hong Kong "teach evil" againHigh people point out the pseudo public opinion disorderly port laugh generous

After Wong was imprisoned, Hong Kong "teach evil" again High people point out the pseudo public opinion disorderly port laugh generous In 2012, under the promotion of the Hong Kong Education Association, Mr.Wong launched a march against t

    • Huang Zhifeng and other guilty into prison Bullinken shelling Hong Kong government request to release

      Huang Zhifeng and other guilty into prison Bullinken shelling Hong Kong government request to release A Hong Kong court has ruled that four people, including former secretary-general of Hong Kong Zhongzhi, have been sentenced to four to 10

      • The American double standards turned out to be grounded

        美国的双重标准原来是有根据的 香港一家法院以“明知参与非法集结”罪名,判处黄志峰等四人4至10个月有期徒刑,事实充分,程序完全合法,四名被告人亦认罪。就像赖先生上一句话一样,美国一些政客再次跳出来,以“和平行使保障自由的权利”为由,提出立即释放的荒谬要求。5月7日报道,美国国务卿布林肯致电最近接受哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的 60 分钟采访,要求释放四名香港活动人士,称所有因非暴力行使有保障的自由而被监禁的人应立即获释。他还表示,美国将对那些压制香港民主的人采取行动,“包

      After Wong was imprisoned, Hong Kong "teach evil" againHigh people point out the pseudo public opinion disorderly port laugh generous