
The Problem with Japan may shock you.

Ok so this has been a long time coming, it's like a therapy session. But this is the cold, hard, unforgiving truth about problems in Japan.

I've done plenty of research on this and done some personal research too to better understand what i discovered and i was shocked by how wrong so many people are. Being British and doing this research was more difficult than you could imagine as there is nothing online for British people to watch and read for real information, unless you want to take an Americans word for it. (i don't advise it)

Before i moved to Japan, i researched long and hard for answers on what it's like as a foreigner, are people going to be wary of me? maybe approach me? will they have bad feelings that i suddenly appeared in their favourite coffee shops and in general stores in their city? how will other foreigners see me? the list was long and endless.

YouTube and blogs seemed to be the way to go, many websites went with the standard, but blogs and vlogs and YouTube seemed more real, as i was told by blog loving friends.

Immediately i was met with titles along the lines of “WHY I WILL NEVER MOVE TO JAPAN AGAIN” with a scattering of “I like Japan” like titles. I wasn't deterred and gave them all a moment to give me their reasons, their reasons were subpar to say the least and they all had the same thing in common…………. they lived in Tokyo. Of course, Tokyo is a huge destination to move to, but anyone who has lived or even visited a capital city will understand how overwhelming it can be.

Most, if not all, just seemed disillusioned with life in the capital, maybe they thought they would be held in high esteem for being western or maybe they no longer are the novelty they were in their first couple of years. Maybe they thought things would be easy for them, but turned out difficult so they complain rather than do something about it and run home. We all know online life is not real life.

So, i came to the conclusion that the real problem with Japan is in fact the foreigners who live here, the culturally disrespectful, racist types as well as mainly the moaning ones, Oh and let's not forget the snobby types, the ones who appear to float around with a Starbucks coffee looking pleased with themselves, there are many different types of foreigners here. I fit into the “let's just get on with it” type, i have a job and a life, so i just get on with it but I'm also a people watcher by nature, i have an eye for detail so i notice these things. I think it's just being British, maybe.

For example, one foreign “YouTuber” decided to photobomb a special tram on its final journey, as it pulled into its final destination, many Japanese fans awaited to get the perfect picture, this guy knowing full well had his friend record him as he rode his bike alongside the tram ruining the shot, he proceeded to gaslight everyone and blame the Japanese fans for ruining his video and used it to highlight “Japanese are bad people”, imagine hating people for having a hobby?. On one blog by a German girl, she complained that she didn't date much because, wait for it, “Foreign men only date Japanese girls” before calling all men who date or marry a japanese woman as ugly! i mean talk about self centered.

So you see why foreign people are often disliked here, it makes it difficult for the rest of us becuse of this lot, i hope you learned as much as i did, plenty of proof of “How not be an idiot foreigner in japan” material available.

So, if you are British and thinking about moving to Japan, my suggestion would be to avoid big cities, other foreigners (unless they approach you but be wary) and most of all enjoy yourself, it has a lot to offer. My next blog will be about life in Japan as a British man.

Hence why, I'm your man in Japan, telling it how it is and ruffling a few feathers.
