【百年ニュース】1920(大正9)9月29日(水) 米国ピッツバーグの百貨店でラジオ受信機が初めて発売される。ウェスティングハウス社の技術者フランク・コンラッド(Frank Conrad)がペンシルバニア州ウィルキンスバーグの自宅で個人的な実験ラジオ局8XKを開設。その放送を聴取可能なラジオ受信機を10ドルで同州最大の百貨店ジョセフ・ホーンが販売した。
Air Concert "Picked Up" By Radio Here
Victrola music, played into the air over a wireless telephone, was "picked up" by listeners on the wireless receiving station which was recently installed here for patrons interested in wireless experiments. The concert was heard Thursday night about 10 o'clock and continued about 20 minutes. Two orchestra numbers, a soprano solo - which rang particularly high and clear through the air - and a juvenile "talking piece" constituted the program.
The music was from a Victrola pulled close to the transmitter of a wireless telephone in the home of Frank Conrad, Penn and Peebles Avenue, Wilkinsburg. Mr. Conrad is a wireless enthusiast and "puts on" the wireless concerts periodically for the entertainment of the many people in this district who have wireless sets.
Amateur Wireless Sets, made by the maker of the Set which is in operation in our store, are on sale here $10.00 up.
-West Basement
The Pittsburgh Press, Sep.29,1920, p11