note 21oct10 Sun

11am got up. Yesterday, went to Shinkaichi, it was good place. visited old book store, udon-ya, vietnamien, cinema, vietnam-foods, and suma-kaihin park.

I was impressed by the price of udon, which was only 300 yen. I spend about half an hour in old book store. I looked Garo, artistic comic magazine of showa epoch, and several other good old books. At the end I bought Rongo because I want to strengthen my mind.

After bought a book, went to vietnamien food shop bought sandwitch 1000 yen. It was deli but too expensive. There were other guests who seem to be factory engaged men. They were a bit rough, and I was a bit scared.

Woonderng around Shin kai chi, I enterd in to cinema amd watched Belmond's movie named "L'animal". It was wonderful and cheerful movie I wsa moved enogh and cheered.

Then I went to Suma kaigan, walked around besides man y couples. I thought i was the mastery of solitary, and felt a bit sorrow.

I called parents, and I fatigue, so , I went home even if appointinng to go to hometown.

Today, I got  up 11 am and cleaned my rooom a bit, laundy, and bought brown rice and soy juice. jus de soy!!

I wen t to minoh mountain bought some bonbon returned and ate curry at nepali restaurant whose master is familiar to me and he asked me if I got girlfriend, I said no, and he smiled. Everytime, it is like this.

I am nihil and i think i will be girlless .

After returning t o appartment, I watched "A bout de souffle " ,and "Leon Morin" that were magnificent"

Well I want to sleep now. Bye bye!

===== today's carnegie =====

welcome critics. and criticize youeself