
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 清寧天皇 3

『日本書紀』清寧天皇 3




In the winter of November, to prepare for the offerings for the Daijo-sai festival (a festival to celebrate the succession of an emperor), Yamabe no Muraji's ancestor, Iyo no Kumebe no Odate, was sent to Harima Province. While celebrating the completion of the new house of Oshinube no Miyatsuko Hosome, who was the head of the Shijimi Miyake estate in Akashi County, he discovered the sons of Prince Ichinobe no Oshihwa (the child of Emperor Richū), named Oke (later Emperor Ninken) and Woke (later Emperor Kenzō).

He respectfully took care of them, thinking to honor them as future rulers. He carefully provided for them with his own resources, built a temporary palace of brushwood, and reported the discovery to the emperor as quickly as possible. The emperor was astonished and, after expressing his sorrow, said, "This is a joyous and wonderful event. Heaven has bestowed upon us these two children."

Later that month, Odate was sent with an imperial token sword and accompanied by close attendants to Akashi to escort the princes. These events are recorded in the annals of Emperor Kenzō.

In the third year, on the first day of the first month, Odate and others brought Oke and Woke to Settsu Province. The emissaries carried the imperial token swords and transported them in a blue-curtained carriage into the palace.

In the summer, on the seventh day of the fourth month, Prince Oke was appointed Crown Prince, and Prince Woke was appointed as a royal prince.


冬十一月、大嘗祭の供物を調えるために、播磨国に遣わした山部連(やまべのむらじ)の先祖である伊予来目部(いよのくめべ)の小楯(おだて)が、明石郡(あかしのこおり)の縮見屯倉(しじみのみやけ)の首(おびと)である忍海部造細目(おしぬべのみやつこ)細目(ほそめ)の家を新築にした宴で、市辺押磐皇子(いちのべのおしわのみこ 履中天皇の子)の息子たちである、億計(おけ 仁賢天皇)と弘計(をけ 顕宗天皇)を発見した。畏敬(おそれうやま)って、共にお抱き申して、君として崇め奉ろうと思い、大いに謹んで養い、私財を供し、柴宮を建てて、仮りにお住み頂き、早馬を馳せて天皇にお知らせした。天皇は驚き、嘆息してしばらく悼(いた)まれてから「めでたいことだ、悦ばしいことだ。天は大きな恵みを垂れて、二人のこどもを賜わった」と言われた。

この月、小楯に*節刀を持たせ、側近の舎人(とねり)をつけて、明石に行かせてお迎えさせた。これらことは、弘計(をけ 顕宗天皇)の巻に記されている。


*節刀(せっとう、せちとう)  天皇から出征の将軍や遣唐使に下賜され、任命のしるしとした太刀
*青蓋車(みくるま、せいがいしゃ) 昔、中国で皇太子または皇子が乗用した、覆いが青色、車輪が朱色の車〔コトバンク〕


令和6年8月4日(日) 2024
