
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 17

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 17



In August, the court officer Kibi no Yugebe no Ozora hurriedly returned home. Kibi no Shimotsumichi no Omi Sakitsuya had detained Ozora and kept him from going to the capital for many months. The Emperor sent Muge no Kimi Masurao to summon him.

When Ozora was summoned, he came and said, "Sakitsuya had a small girl represent the Emperor's person and an big girl represent his own person. He made them fight each other, and when the small girl won, he drew his sword and killed her. He also called a small rooster the Emperor's rooster, plucked its feathers, and clipped its wings. He called a larger rooster his own rooster, put bells and gold spurs on it, and made them fight. When he saw that the featherless rooster won, he again drew his sword and killed it."

The Emperor, hearing this, sent thirty soldiers from the Mononobe clan to execute Sakitsuya and seventy of his family members.


八月、宮廷の役人である吉備弓削部(きびのゆげべ)の虚空の(おおぞら)は急いで家に帰りました。吉備下道臣(きびのしもつみちおみ)の前津屋(さきつや)は、虚空を自分のところに留めて何ヵ月も都に行かせませんでした。天皇は身毛君(むげのきみ)大夫(ますらお)を派遣して虚空を呼びました。虚空が呼ばれて来て言いました「前津屋(さきつや)は小女(ちひさきをみな)を天皇の人にして、大女(おほきおみな)を己(おの 自分)の人にして、競い闘わせた。小女の方が勝つのを見ると、太刀を抜いて殺しました。また、小さい雄鶏を天皇の鶏とし、毛を抜き翼を切り、大きい雄鶏を自分の鶏とし、鈴や金のけづめを付けて、闘わせています。毛の擦り切れた鶏の勝つのを見ると、また刀を抜いて殺します」と言った。天皇はこの言葉を聞かれ、物部もののべの兵士三十人を遣わして、前津屋と合せて、同族七十人を殺した。

令和6年7月7日(日) 2024
