
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 35

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 35





In the fifteenth year of the Emperor’s reign, the people of the Qin (はた 秦) clan were dispersed among the court nobles and ministers, each being used according to their desires. They were not assigned to the management of the Qin no Miyatsuko (秦造). This caused great distress to Qin no Miyatsuko Sake (秦造 酒), who served the Emperor.

The Emperor, however, cherished and favored him. He issued a decree to gather the people of the Qin clan and bestowed them upon Qin no Sake no Kimi (秦酒公). As a result, Qin no Sake no Kimi came to lead many villages and presented silk and fine textiles as tribute to the court, amassing a large stockpile. Because of this, he was granted the surname "Uzumasa" (禹豆麻佐), which signifies "piled high."

In the autumn of the sixteenth year, in July, the Emperor decreed to choose countries and counties suitable for cultivating mulberry trees and ordered the planting of these trees. Additionally, the people of the Qin clan were relocated so that tributes could be collected from these new areas.

In October of the same year, the Emperor issued another decree to gather the people of the Han (あや 漢) clan and determine their managers. Those managers were granted the surname "Atai" (直).

In the spring of the seventeenth year, on the second day of the third month, the Emperor decreed to the leaders of the Haji clan (土師連):

"Present pure vessels to be used for the imperial meals served morning and evening."

Following this, Haji no Muraji (土師連), the ancestor of the Haji clan, presented private lands and people from Kusasa Village in Settsu Province, Uchi Village and Fushimi Village in Yamashiro Province, Fujikata Village in Ise Province, as well as from Tanba, Tajima, and Inaba. These people were collectively named the "Nie-no-hajibe" (贄土師部).
nie(贄) signifying those who offer tribute.








そこで土師連(はじのむらじ)の先祖の吾苟(あけ)が、摂津国の久佐々村(くささのむら)、山背国(やましろのくに)の内村、伏見村、伊勢国の藤方村(ふじかたのむら)と丹波、但馬、因幡の私有の部曲(かきべ)を奉った。これを名づけて贄(にえ 貢ぎ物を捧げる人々)の土師部(はじべ)という。

令和6年7月26日(金) 2024
