
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 16

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 16


舉暮利矩能 播都制能野麼播 伊底拕智能 與慮斯企野麼 和斯里底能 與盧斯企夜磨能 據暮利矩能 播都制能夜麼播 阿野儞于羅虞波斯 阿野儞于羅虞波斯



In the spring of the sixth year, on the second month, the emperor went to Hatsuse-no-ono and, observing the landscape, was deeply moved and sang:

"The Hatsuse mountains, with their splendid form,
The foothills stretching gracefully,
The mountains are truly beautiful,
The Hatsuse mountains are indescribably lovely,
Indescribably lovely."

He named the area Michi-no-ono.

On the seventh day of the third month, the emperor wished to encourage silk farming and ordered Sugaru to gather silkworms from within the country. However, Sugaru mistakenly gathered infants and presented them to the emperor. The emperor laughed heartily and gave the infants back to Sugaru, saying, "You should raise them yourself." Sugaru raised the infants near the palace wall and was given the surname Chiisakobe-no-Muraji.

In the summer of the fourth month, an envoy from the kingdom of Wu arrived with tribute.

In the seventh year, on the third day of the seventh month, the emperor instructed Chiisakobe-no-Muraji Sugaru, saying, "I want to see the deity of Mount Miwa. Some say it is the great god Omononushi, while others say it is the god of Udakamisaka. You, with your exceptional strength, go and capture it yourself." Sugaru responded, "I will try to do so." He climbed Mount Miwa, captured a giant serpent, and presented it to the emperor. The emperor, not having performed the necessary purification rites, was frightened by the serpent's thunderous sound and shining eyes. He covered his eyes and retreated into the palace, then ordered the serpent to be released back onto the mountain. The mountain was then renamed Ikazuchi (Thunder).



舉暮利矩能 播都制能野麼播 伊底拕智能 與慮斯企野麼 和斯里底能 與盧斯企夜磨能 據暮利矩能 播都制能夜麼播 阿野儞于羅虞波斯 阿野儞于羅虞波斯





七年の秋、七月三日、天皇は少子部連須我屢(ちいさこべのむらじ すがる)に「私は三輪山(みわやま)の神の姿を見たいと思う。お前は腕力が優れているから、自ら行って捕えてこい」と命じました。須我屢は「試しにやってみましょう」と答えました。彼は三輪山に登り、大きな蛇を捕えて天皇に見せました。天皇は浄めの儀式をしていなかったため、その蛇の雷のような音と輝く目に驚き、目を覆って見ないようにし、殿中に隠れました。そして、その蛇を山に放たせ、山を雷(いかづち)と名付けました。

令和6年7月7日(日) 2024
